Food Allergies? Uhh! We ignore unless we face it. A startling fact about the food on which we survive is that, “More than 170 foods are known to cause food allergies”. A food allergic reaction may show up from mild…
Explore a world of captivating lifestyle content at RapidLeaks. Discover articles, tips, and inspiration on health, fashion, travel, and more. Elevate your lifestyle with RapidLeaks.
10 Unknown Scientific Facts About Kissing
Aha! Kissing. Lip locking. Smooch. Most people are fascinated by those moments of intimacy and the kisses, but not all of them. Unbelievable isn’t it? There are many more non-gullible fascinating kissing facts that may not have occurred even in…
Ikea just opened its first store at Hyderabad and the people are going Ga-Ga
Up until now, Hyderabad has been known as the city of Nawabs and the place that serves the best-possible Biryani. And none of that is untrue and none of that can ever be taken out of context. But from August…
All You Need To Know About Ketogenic Diet
Want to lose weight? Or boost your energy? Decrease your food cravings? Adopt a healthy lifestyle to be physically fit and active? Yeah, but is that really possible? So, get going with us to explore all about the Ketogenic Diet…
More than cigars: Did you know Cuba has world’s largest ice-cream cathedral
Nine out of ten people might tell you that Cuba is about the land of cigars and communism. Tread a little further and ten in ten people would quite sufficiently agree that Cuba is about one of the most famous…
What is Alia Bhatt’s favourite food? Think..think!
Beauty with a talent, now that’s a rare combination. Isn’t it? Alia Bhatt is a different league, it can be said. At a time where Bollywood was fast becoming a landing station for item numbers, it is thanks to actors…
7 Best Monsoon Fashion Accessories for Girls
Adolescence and youth can never be stopped by the roaring of the clouds to signal the onset of monsoon. It’s time to welcome the cool shower to offer some relief from the brutal scorching heat. Isn’t it, young divas! Our…
Is there a link between drug use and energy drinks
We are all fans of energy drinks. The very phrase energy drinks contain some recklessly charming hold of an energy or vibe that attracts one to it. Isn’t it? Have you ever felt something like it? The beverages market, in…
Beer is good for your health according to experts but there’s more to it!
You love beer. Probably, your friends love beer too. And so does everyone who wishes to lead a happy life and enjoy a happy-go-lucky time. Isn’t it? But like with every good thing, there’s often a catch- isn’t it? So…
A 3-bedroom home in the middle of New Hampshire lake is the meaning of tranquillity
We are in rather loud times. We are in an era where things are louder and people often trying hard to create some noise. Amid this peril defunct scenario, what becomes of peace? Doesn’t it get rather sacrificed with us…
6 Absurd Food Challenges In Delhi That You Need To Embark On Right Away!
Delhi is so many things to so many people, however, if there’s one thing that stands out for outsiders then it has to be the food. You can have some of the most delicious and mouth watering food in Delhi,…
What is Kim Kardashian’s body weight- take a guess?
When she dons a bikini, it becomes the talk of the town and puts more energy in the sun. When she takes it off, the night comes calling, a bit too soon. When she decks up gorgeously as she often…
8 Markets In Delhi That You Need To Visit For Clothes, Home Decor And Everything Beautiful
If you live in Delhi or have visited it even once then you know how utterly amazing it’s despite all the chaos. Delhi, often considered as the perfect mix of everything cultural in the country, is nothing short of a…
Hop on the next flight to America and gorge on these choicest American burgers
America. One name, multiple values, existences and, multiple sub-cultures. Among them, surely movies and art are a blossoming up-tide. Right on top America. Google’s home, Facebook’s land. The land of the great Abe, the place where Nikola Tesla breathed his…
How much caffeine do you really need to consume? Guess who has the answer to the puzzle?
You know the defence establishments of a country to work as sentinels in national security. You know the armies of different countries as the fortifications that protect a republic from mayhem and unwanted military strikes. We associate soldiers with bravery,…
10 Books That Will Make You Want To Travel More In Life
These Books will ignite the inner travel bug in you to go out more. The idea of travelling doesn’t just come by planning about it, first, you need to feel inspired about travelling. You need to have that compelling feeling…
Dentists have finally revealed some foods that spoil your teeth. Time to take control!
Alright, here we go then. Smile, on one, two and say cheese! Just how many times have we encountered the following phrase from a photographer or for that matter- a friend or someone close? We smile, flex the face a…
Hairtips: 5 Tricks To Grow Your Hair Longer!
Hairtips: To grow your hair really, really long. Hola, People! Usually, that is my signature style when I write about relationships but today I thought, why not in beauty section? After all, greetings are for all and it doesn’t need…
4 popular misconceptions about food that have been busted
Time to embrace some real stuff people. That food is critical, essential and vital for our existence and survival is so true but at the same time comes being tagged along with a number of myths as well as misconceptions.…
5 Things That Will Literally Boost Your Workout Sessions!
We millennials are already struggling through a lot to put a decent living. We are already juggling between so much, excelling at our work to keeping a hot bod, it gets exhausting but there is nothing that can’t be solved…
Is China just about green tea? Think again? Canadian Tim Hortons is to open 1500 outlets soon
China, most of us have come to wonder, is about an increasing scope of surveillance, being a Communist heartland, about tons of green tea and, about Xi Jinping’s rising influence in the oriental landscape. But there is more to China than…
You’ve tried Paneer pakodas, Aaloo pakodas but what about Cashew pakoda?
Monsoon means rain and rain means a lot of traffic jam, a heat of a different kind and, of course- sipping chai by the balcony of your apartment or house. Isn’t it? Few things are as enticing and lovable as…
Hollywood’s timeless cutie Drew Barrymore has an interesting Yoga workout on Insta
This is an age of apps and this is a time where celebs are our heroes making most of the tech that there is. The smartphone may be a common tool in our hands but place it in the grasp…
Hey, hold on! What was this Pizza pregnancy announcement all about?
You usually cherish your pregnancy with a strange kind of thrill, when you are expecting. It’s a feeling that you do not experience anywhere else or in any other kind of way. You get a ‘confirmation’ with the pregnancy tester…
International Bikini Day: Do You Know These Super-Interesting Bikini Facts?
Here’s one interesting bikini fact, bikinis are reminiscent to a good summer day at the beach where everyone is having the time of their lives and absolutely no one wants it to end, and you can’t deny it. This one…