For a country that quite simply dominates the attention of much of the world for its engineering talent and prowess, the way it designs and conceives automobiles and even the way it approaches beer production and the marvel called the…
All’s Not Well With The German Economy!
It was the last quarter of 2022, so basically the previous year was far from over. But the rumors were no longer rumours and were, in fact, true. It was being suggested that all was not well with the German…
What Was Chancellor Scholz’ Message For Germany For The New Year?
If there was such a thing as an economic snapshot for Germany in 2022, then perhaps the following wouldn’t make such a terrible picture: German economy grew only at 1.8 per cent in 2022, is expected to contract by 0.3…
What’s Germany’s Current Stand On Nuclear Power?
For a country that did promise over a decade back in the day that it would shut all nuclear plants by 2030, here’s Germany with three active nuclear power plants. That’s as on date. However, it is important to note…
What’s Up Germany: Why Olaf Scholz’s China Trip Spruced Some Debate, If Not Debacle?
There are some in Germany who state in no uncertain terms- and even warn- about the country’s over reliance on China where it comes to economic matters. Their concern, should they be believed, is that Deutschland is perhaps a bit…
Why’s There Pressure On Germany To Send Military Aid To Ukraine?
Where 2022 is concerned in the realm of its history and bilateral ties, then in the simplest of ways the following about Germany can be considered its truth: This is no ordinary year for Germany; it has been that year…
How Might Finland’s Economic Growth Be In 2023?
Not long after the Second World War Finland received massive economic support from the World Bank to rebuild an economy that was, at best, tottering. A loan that was granted to develop the country would later change its fate so…
What Is The Impact Of Lufthansa Pilots’ Strike On Indian Passengers?
To a country for which developments and successes in the realm of automobile and aviation are but a normal order of the day, just how big and worrisome is the news of an extensive strike by Lufthansa pilots? Germany, truth…
How Is Germany Helping Its Citizens Fight Inflation?
Only a few hours remain before Germany’s supposed measure to make public transportation ultracheap comes to an end. As a matter of fact, it is only a matter of time before August 31 reaches its end. And with that, Germany…
All You Need To Know About Germany’s Hydrogen-Powered Train Fleet!
For the record, and this might be interesting for those who are in love with exactness of data, the Coradia iLint is the world’s first passenger train that is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. It’s always good to establish…
Who Is Going To Be Lahti, Finland’s Next Big Star Of The Country?
Lahti is considered to be the green capital of Europe. No jokes. Don’t believe it? Here’s comprehensive evidence about something you may or may not have known. But there’s more to the picturesque Finnish city than just its green pastures.…
Is A Massive Blow To Germany’s Economy Going To Hit Soon?
Germany is still one of the strongest economies of Western Europe, arguably the biggest in that region. As a matter of fact, der Deutschland, as it is traditionally called, is considered among the world’s strongest economies. With a robust system…
Is Germany Loosening The Hold Over Compassion For Ukrainian Refugees?
Every country tries to make negotiation with its own values, regardless of how strong they are or not. It may not be wrong to state in the case of Germany that the nation widely known as Deutschland compromised heavily on…
How Is Deutsche Bahn Planning On Saving Energy?
Among the biggest consumers of energy in all of Germany is Deutsche Bahn. To those that know Deutsche Bahn, only one thing can be said that it’s among the largest corporations across the Olaf Scholz-led country. However, those who don’t…
How Is The Finnish Immigration Service Responding To Human Trafficking Problems In The Country?
Things usually tend to look good on the outside, but when one cares to go within, there are cracks. True for lanky structures that may, over a period of time, lose their tensile strength. Also true for the waning reflexes…
More Troubles For Italy, This Time Climate-Related
Truth be told, years have gone by and even as on date, Italy really hasn’t been able to fix its economic chaos, a state to which it would descend starting 2018, when the struggles became real. Prior to that, Italy…
How Prepared Is Finland In The Face Of A Russian Attack?
In the troubling waters of Geopolitics, nothing’s ever quiet and at total peace for there’s always some sort of volatility no matter where you look. Hence, one of the most important, rather buzzing questions at this time is whether Finland…
What Will Berlin As The Latest Technology Centre For Deutsche Bank Offer The Company?
It is, truth be told, more than just a bank; it is a vibrant symbol of Germany’s financial might and a lasting reminder of the powerful presence the country occupies in the firmament of financial institutions and banking services in…
What Part Can Switzerland Play In The Major Rebuilding Of Ukraine?
A number of important dates, significant to world history and as also the world’s present, beckon our attention. That’s also because all of these rest in the imminent future and are knocking on our doors. These are dates that circle…
Has Finland Chosen The Most Ambitious Climate Target In Law?
Before we begin to delve into the finer details of what the Nordic wonderland Finland has set out to achieve where it comes to its climate change goals, here’s a bit of perspective as to what some of the leading…
What Is The Flipside Of Finland And Sweden Getting Admitted Into NATO?
One of the leading images from the European heartland as on May 18, 2022 was the one where the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg was found pictured with the Foreign Minister of Finland, Mr. Pekka Havisto as well as…
Germany Announces Big Plans For Modernising Military In Lines With Russian Threat!
One has wondered for quite some time now as to what might Germany’s response be to the threats leveled by Russia. Just a fortnight ago, Russia alluded to a particular course of action the country could take when speaking to…
What Warning Has Putin Delivered A Host Of European Nations, Including Germany And France?
It may sound like some really random or funny question but truthfully speaking, a pretty straightforward question must be asked and now: When is the day and just what is that day about when Russian President Vladimir Putin isn’t angry…
Why Has Russia Halted Gas Supplies To Finland?
One of the most widely noted and influential British politician, writer and diarist of his time, Mr. Tony Benn, once shared something rather remarkable and sense-provoking statement on the concept and theory of war. It goes on like this: “All…