Hairtips: To grow your hair really, really long.
Hola, People! Usually, that is my signature style when I write about relationships but today I thought, why not in beauty section? After all, greetings are for all and it doesn’t need to be categorized. Right?
With the change in climatic conditions and our diet, taking care of hair has really become crucial. There are plenty of hair tips for keeping them shiny and healthy but not many of them explain to enhance the growth of hair. Short hair is still the second favorite of people because most of the women still opt for long healthy hair. But, the patience and care it requires is not that easy and moreover, not everyone knows the do’s and don’t that needed in the process.
So here are 5 hair tips that are basically the tricks to growing your hair real long.
1. Scissors Are Actually Your Friend.

Confused? Well, I am not talking about cutting them short, I am talking about getting them trimmed regularly. Two benefits: First- It will make your hair grow faster and second, it will make your tips looking healthy as it will prevent the split ends. Don’t be hesitant to get your hair trimmed an inch shorter in every 10 to 12 weeks.
2. Conditioner Is Your Hair’s Best Friend.

Use it every time you shampoo your hair. Over the time from dust, excessive exposure to sunlight and styling, your hair get thinner at the ends. Conditioner helps repair your damaged ends, it also rejuvenates the lipids and proteins. It helps prevent any further damage to your hair.
3. Hair Boosting Supplements.

Why? Well, as I explained above that our diet has been changed and no matter how we try, it gets unbalanced every now and then. We don’t get enough protein and other vital nutrients that protect and boost the growth of our hair. Use effective hair supplements, so that your body can have the enough amount of hair-building nutrients.
4. Do Not Shampoo Often.

I mean not every day. The purpose of shampoo is cleaning the dirt, so remember it is not necessary to shampoo every time you hit the shower. It damages your strands as well as your scalp. You can use the conditioner but stay away from using shampoo regularly. Also, use cold water at the end of the shower to rinse your hair as it settles better in your scalp and prevents moisture loss.
5. Do Not Use A Massive Towel To Wrap Your Hair.

Well, if you want to dry them wrap them in a cotton cloth as the hard fiber of your towel (or even the soft one) damages your hair. The tiny fragile hair around forehead tend to break easily so when you wrap them tight in a towel they get caught and result in more hair loss.
These 5 hair tips were easy and you can do them without putting much effort. Although, there are more tips that I could write but let’s start with the simple ones and leave the second stage for the next writing piece. I hope you will find these useful. Do let me know in the comment section below.
Stay Beautiful!
17 July 2017
Avni S. Singh
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