7 Foods That Have More Potassium Than In A Banana

Banana is one of God’s very own fruit which is jam-packed with some really important and amazing nutrients, however, not everyone enjoys it. We all have come across a lot of people in our lives who absolutely abhor the existence…

5 Things You Need To Know About Depression

Depression – If you think that it is one of the most talked about topic in recent times owing to the fact that WHO (World Health Organisation) made depression their theme of 2017, then you must know why it was…

5 Much Needed Habits You Need To Pick Up In 2018!

Life has always been a series of surprises as well as monotony. The statement may sound contradictory but this how life is and we, the soul-bearing humans tend to make it more complicated than it already is. In recent times…

9 Simple Ways To Debloat Quickly

It’s one of the most important and exciting days for you, you’re confident and ready to get dressed in your favorite dress and shoes. And, suddenly you realise you’re bloating. This is not the usual kind but that belongs to…

Here Are The Best Exercises To Combat Anxiety And Depression!

Anxiety And Depression can be reduced by exercising! Your mental health is relevant to your physical health. You may not know this fact but there is a strong connection between your body and your mind. Probably that’s why people who…

Signs You Have A Vitamin B12 Deficiency

This is a known fact that our body simply runs on some really important proteins and vitamins, without which it would sooner or later, ultimately shut down. Don’t overlook these signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency. One of such extremely important…

New Study States One Puff Of A Cigarette Is Enough To Get One Hooked

Excess of anything, we have heard commonly, leads to fatal results. But do we always learn? Are we always prudent and rational in our understanding of the elements that stand the risk of causing potential danger to our health? While…

103-year-old Brooklyn Woman Reveals The Secret To Longevity And Ageing Gracefully

Ageing. It’s as natural a process as that of feeling sad with someone’s passing. Or feeling jubilated with the arrival of a good friend. The natural tendency is for an individual to dread the concept of ageing. For it is…

Planning To Get Fitter In 2018, Here Are Most Inspirational Bollywood Celebrity Videos Ever!

2018 is just around the corner and we all are planning to make some kickass New Year resolutions. Considering the vogue that fitness has become among us, we can state that getting in shape is going to be the most…

3 Easy Exercises That Will Help You Get Thinner Arms At Home!

Toned arms is a wish that’s not granted without efforts. However, it doesn’t take much to work out on that flab, if only you really want arms that resemble perfection. To lose fat of a specific body part may seem…

5 Face Yoga Exercises To Get Firmer Skin And Maintain Jawline!

Don’t you love to have the perfect cheekbones and jawlines like all those Hollywood and Bollywood celebrities? However, we all know that with age and an ample consumption of fast food and alcohol has made your face fat. The gravity…

6 Beginners Rules For People Who Want To Lose Weight!

Finally, you have made the decision that you need to shed some flab off your body. That’s the first step and it all begins from here. However, before you hit gym and start to sweat out like a pig, you…

Exercise During Period Will No Longer Be A Trouble With These Tips!

One can never resolve the dilemma if it is bad to workout on your period or exercise during period could actually safe. Of course, hitting gym and burning calories is some the least of our worries in periods. The annoying…

7 Dieting Tips You Should Remember If You Really Want To Lose Weight!

Dieting doesn’t have to be torture. It sure seems like it but with the right guidance and true dieting tips, you can work miracle and lose pounds easily. You really need to be mindful of the advice you take. A…

7 Alternative Exercises For People Who Hate Gym!

All your life you have been told to work it and stay in shape. If only people knew how much you hate the thought of surrounded by weights and machines and worse of all, sweat dripping people. Sounds like the…

5 Ways You Can Motivate Yourself To Workout At Home Amid Lockdown

Our daily routine has literally come to an halt amid the lockdown due to the spread of the novel Coronavirus. It is wise to stay at home to prevent the further spreased of the virus, but we shouldn’t skip on…

5 Essential Oils To Treat Your Dreadful Cold And Sore Throat

Winters are here and this means that running nose and dreadful headache is also all set to arrive in full power to ruin our weekends and life, basically. Don’t you just hate the feeling of a constantly running nose that…

Benefits Of Green Tea: It Is More Than Just Detoxification And Weight Loss!

There are numerous benefits of green tea yet it’s popular for detoxifying our body and helping in weight loss. It’s time you know more about this magical herb and start drinking it regularly. Over the last few years, we have…

5 Secrets That Will Keep You Skinny Without Dieting!

That girl ate a whole cheeseburger, she never takes a note of her caloric intake, she parties hard and she never backs down from a pizza party, yet somehow she manages to own a perfect figure. We all are jealous…

3 Exercises That Will Help You Get Sexier Thighs!

We, women, keep looking at the stunning legs of actresses and wish we could have sexy legs like them, especially those thighs. Well, it’s time to stop wishing and doing something about it. Even if you don’t have enough time…

5 Tips That Will Boost Your Running Mechanics!

That treadmill seems like a monster with every passing second as no matter how you try, you can never run past 10 minutes. Sounds familiar? Well, lack of stamina is the problem of our generation, were running on the machine…

The Possible Health Risks: 8 Ways Your Bed Is Depleting Your Health

A good night’s sleep is not possible without the necessary factors. The stress level, room condition, and comfort are just one of the primary factors that define of having a good night sleep. But before anything else, you have to…

Improved Lighting for Improved Vision: Lighting Ideas For A Healthy Eyesight

Having good lighting is the most necessary aspect of an exceptional vision. Without light, we just can’t see. Reciprocally, too much amount of light or even a flashing, blinding light can cause eye irritation. A healthy eyesight talks about an…

Best Exercises To Gain Biceps And Triceps For Fitness Lovers!

Every time when a person walks in who claims to be a fitness lover, people turn their eyes to see his arms and judge. It’s not fair but that’s how it goes. As soon as people have a good look…

3 Yoga Poses For Firmed Breasts!

Yoga has become the rage among people over the last few decades and why not? After all, it has countless benefits and from doctors to celebrities, everyone is adopting this incredible practice. With increased fitness concern, women have also developed…