All your life you have been told to work it and stay in shape. If only people knew how much you hate the thought of surrounded by weights and machines and worse of all, sweat dripping people. Sounds like the story of your life?
We get it, we really do. There are millions of people who would say that they hate going to gym and there is nothing awry in that thought. The next step is always to find alternative exercises, however, people don’t help much, do they? All the fitness freaks have a consistent habit of hitting gym and they absolutely love it. You on the other side, feel short of options.
If we must tell you the truth, it is not that challenging (well a little maybe). You can always opt for alternative exercises, however, your only effort would be to choose the right one for you.
So here are some alternative exercises that you might want to consider if you absolutely have no plans to hit gym ever in your life.
1. Walking.

Okay, you may have thought about it but how about you hitting the road for a change? This alternative sounds so easy that you end up thinking, you can start it any day. Yes, it can be done anywhere and anytime but every workout demands dedication. So get up and get going starting from today.
2. Biking/Cycling

So what if you are an employee of a multinational company? Your health is above all. Get on that bike and start riding it. It’s a great way to tone your body and burn more calories that gym workout. It is one of the best alternative exercises of all.
3. Yoga

The ancient old practice doesn’t only get your body in shape but also keeps you mentally calm. You will be more focused and feel spiritually awakened. You can easily do it at home. It will help you improve your posture and core strength.
4. Swimming.

It is one of the most recommended alternative exercises and one of the most effective ones too. Join swimming classes, you will be in a great shape sooner than you thought, and maybe you get so good in it, that you might wanna try your hand professionally.
5. Hiking

Every avid traveler has at least once stated that they travel so much which leaves them with no time to hit the gym. Well, no more excuses for you. Plan your trips that include hiking. It can be very challenging but hey! You are a traveler, you already know it.
6. Tai Chi

Join a class of Tai Chi. It will make you strong, keep your mind and body connected, and you will, of course, lose tons of weight. Also, it can be a really good self-defense technique too. What’s there to lose? Isn’t it one of the best alternative exercises ever?
7. Dance

An art that makes you stress-free, tones your muscles, help you be graceful and makes you look fabulous. Dancing is the best alternative you can opt for. Get that body grooving while you lose that extra flab off your body.
And you thought there aren’t enough alternative exercises for you? Go ahead and chose. You will stun all those gym freaks who mocked you for hating gym.
28 November 2017
Avni S. Singh