There are numerous benefits of green tea yet it’s popular for detoxifying our body and helping in weight loss. It’s time you know more about this magical herb and start drinking it regularly.
Over the last few years, we have witnessed the increase in popularity of a magical herb – Green Tea. Advertisements, doctor’s recommendations, gym trainers, friends, and family, at least one of them may have suggested you to start drinking it. However, the tingy acerbic taste of the drink isn’t everyone’s cup.
Green tea originally originated in China but now it is widely used throughout Asia. The beverage is a rage among people as it has a multitude of uses. Especially popularised for the fact that it kick-starts your metabolism system, people now consume it more than ever. However, most of us are unaware of the other benefits of green tea.

Let’s dig deeper and have a close look at the amazing benefits of green tea.
1. Weight Loss.
As we have already stated that it boosts metabolism. The polyphenol in green tea intensify levels of fat oxidation. It also enhances the rate at which our body turns food into calories. Hence, it results in more weight loss while you sweat at the gym.
2. Diabetes.

Green tea regulates glucose levels in our body. It slows down the rise in blood sugar after consuming food. It prevents the high insulin spikes and keeps our sugar level in control.
3. Heart Problems.
Many researchers have stated that green tea also works on the lining of blood vessels. The beverage helps them to stay relaxed which resists the change in blood pressure. It arguably protects against the formation of blood clots, which is the primary cause of heart attack. Green tea helps you keep your heart safe and happy.
4. Esophageal Cancer

Green tea, in general, is said to kill cancer cells, however, it’s debatable. Many claim that it reduces the risk of esophageal cancer, without damaging any healthy tissue of the body. One of the many benefits of green tea.
5. Cholesterol

The healthy drink is believed to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. It also improves the ratio of good cholesterol.
6. Throat And Tooth Problems

Green tea consists a chemical antioxidant called “catechin”, which helps in destroying bacterias and viruses responsible for throat infections, and dental caries.
7. Depression

Tea leaves have an amino acid called “Theanine” that has a relaxed and peaceful effect on the mind. People who are prone to consume green tea have the lower risk of experiencing depression.
8. Skincare
We all are aware of the fact that it is an extremely effective anti-oxidant, thus, it doesn’t only cleanse the body but also gives a great skin texture. It reduces wrinkles and the signs of ageing. It also prevents skin from sun damage.
Green tea is a panacea for us. Our unbalanced lifestyle has damaged our body and all these benefits of green tea can surely redeem it to an extent. Think of it as a medicine and develop a habit of consuming at least two cups in a day. You will be happy that you did so.
16 November 2017
Avni S. Singh