7 Signs You May Have HIV Without Even Knowing!

Many people do not go through an HIV test regularly, simply because they are confident enough that they don’t have it or probably it is the fear of knowing that stops them. The best way to know is still to…

10 Foods That Will Never Make You Gain Weight

Food is one of the most crucial parts of your entire weight loss process. It’s right up there with exercising regularly and trust me when I say that no matter how much time you spend at the gym, the result…

11 Rules That Will Keep You Healthy And Younger!

People keep worrying about ageing effects but let’s face it, no matter how what sooner or later it’s gonna happen until unless you find the magical fountain of youth that could keep you young forever ( which is almost impossible…

16 Absolutely No No’s On The First Day Of Your Period

16 things that everyone should absolutely avoid on their first day of periods. Let’s state the elephant in the room, WE HATE PERIODS! There’s nothing more painful, annoying and uncomfortable than the first day of the period, apart from Childbirth,…

5 Indoor Exercises That Burn Fat Faster Than Running!

When we try to lose weight desperately, the first option we look for is running but we need to understand that running isn’t for everyone. Where many people stay comfortable with a hardcore jog, some people find it really difficult.…

E-Cigarettes Are As Harmful As Tobacco Cigarettes, Finds Study

E-Cigarettes have been accepted as the best possible substitute of tobacco cigarettes by every smoker who wants to live a longer life but for how long? This is the question that has been the topic of many debates and people have…

5 Hacks That Will Make Your Bikini Wax Less Painful!

Bikini Wax. Oh God! Even the thought of it is painful and it’s summer again where you can’t just do without having it. While summer is a great time to show off those cute, trendy dresses and not to forget…

This Is What It Means If Your Second Toe Is Longer Than Your Other Toes!

Palm reading has always been popular but, in India and China, even the Foot reading has been practiced for more than 5000 years. People from both the countries believe that feet can reveal a lot about an individual’s personality, they…

5 Little Things That Are Worsening Your Health Everyday!

Keeping yourself healthy, sounds like an easy task but it takes more than that. When I was 15 years old, I remember an elderly person advising me to take care of my body and health not because it is a…

5 Things You Should Keep In Mind While Doing ‘Leg Press’ In Gym Next Time!

Leg day at gym consist majorly two exercises, first and foremost squats (which everyone seems to keep running away) and second the over hyped heavy machine – Leg Pressing. Now I understand that these two exercises are must if you…

5 Reasons You Are Always Tired and What Can Do About It

Struggling to get out of your bed every morning? Here are the 5 reasons why you are always tired and what can you do about it. Do you consistently ask yourself, Why am I so tired? Do you feel sluggish…

5 Benefits of Plank That Makes it The Best Core Exercise, Ever!

We all can agree to the fact that exercising is a really dreading task. I mean who would personally like to substitute their couch potato-ing time with a couple of lunges, squats and planks? I guess no one, except for…

Summer Beauty Tips: 9 Tips You Must Follow To Keep Your Skin Beautiful!

Summer is here and let’s admit, it’s being harsh than we thought it would be. The Sun seems to after our skin and even if we forget the sun, the dryness leaves no stone unturned to affect our skin, hair…

5 Weight Loss “Quick Fixes” That You Need To Ignore

When it comes to losing weight, the biggest mistake that people make is goal setting and that too is expected to be achieved in the least possible time. Expecting too much weight loss too soon is the common blunder that…

5 Most Effective Exercises That You Can Follow The Rest Of Your Life

People often ask about what are the most effective exercises that they can religiously follow for the rest of their life and can enjoy it too. While different people have different suggestions, the most effective exercises are the ones you…

World Tuberculosis Day: The Most Disquieting Facts About TB

When we talk about diseases and issues that have spread all across the world, Tuberculosis always comes up in the discussion. It has been in existence for the longest time and every year millions of people fall victim to a…

7 Natural Tips To Keep Up Your Beauty Game!

Hello, Beauties! Now the summer is here I am sure the demons of cranky skin are bothering you more than ever and let’s admit it, in a world where beauty industry is a Billions and Billions of dollars empire, it’s…

These 6 Steps Would Help You In Getting Out Of Morning Blues

We all have, at some point or the other, hated mornings and the feeling to get out of our beds. While some have it more often than not, there’s a fair chance that one would want to commerce their morning…

These 6 Mudras Would Change Your Life Completely

Along with this we also have various classical dances that incorporate various mudras. However, do you know that these mudras do more for our body and mind than just being some mere dance steps. These mudras are said to cure…

Keep Your Eyes Safe From the Summer Heat

Eye Care Tips Sunglasses or Goggles It is very important to wear a sunglass during outdoor activities. This helps to protect the eyes from harmful UV radiations. Sunglasses should be close to the eyes and should cover the entire eye…

5 Food Items To Avert Hormonal Imbalance

Having a proper diet is something that we have been taught and educated about from a very young age. However, as much as we have been told that it is good for our body, hair and skin, its relation with…

Losing Weight Without Extreme Workout Plans Is Possible: See How

“How to lose weight” is one of the most searched queries on Google and majorly it comes from those people who are not interested in heavy workouts and illogical dieting. With ‘get ripped instantly’ and ‘lose 50 pounds in a…

Swine Flu (H1N1): What You Should Know

Swine influenza or swine flu is a contagious human respiratory infection caused by an influenza strain that was first detected in pigs. Swine flu has comparable symptoms and management and is transmitted in the similar ways as the normal flu…

You Can Instantly Achieve Silky, Smooth & Shiny Hair Through Essential Oils

Essential oils have been a rage in the recent years because they have proven to be beneficial for body, skin and hair. People have raved about the benefits and changes that they’ve seen as soon as they added essential oils…

Consuming Mushrooms Regularly Can Help You To Prevent Alzheimer’s & Dementia

The thing with mushrooms is that those who like it, they just love it and those who don’t like it, hate it immensely, so yes mushroom floats in the water of extremities. And no, I’m not talking about your mushrooms…