People often ask about what are the most effective exercises that they can religiously follow for the rest of their life and can enjoy it too. While different people have different suggestions, the most effective exercises are the ones you will actually follow because there is not a single one that will not burn some calories and make your health better than before.
However, what we eventually end up doing is buying a year long membership of a Gym because that cutting edge equipment, people sweating like anything on treadmills and bodybuilders coming out with bulging muscle, all leave us in Awe. But, we all need to keep our mind straight as most of us just need to work out either for reducing that belly bat or for having a healthier future.
If that is the case with you, do not let those super-mean Gyms intimidate you and force you to back off. There are some physical activities for your body that don’t require the gym and can do wonders for your health. They’ll control your weight, improve your balance, strengthen your bones and joints, increase your stamina and even ward off mental stress.
No matter what your age or fitness level is, follow even one of the following exercise and trust me, you will be back to thank us.
1. Swimming

Research has concluded that swimming can improve your mental state and put you in a better mood. Moreover, it is also termed as the best full-body workout. The buoyancy (upwards force) of water supports your body and takes all the strain off your painful joints to help you move more fluidly. Further, there are no heavy-weights involved, so you need not worry about the people around you. From your shoulders to your thighs to the core, every single body part comes into play while swimming, which will also help you to increase your stamina and strength.
2. Strength Training

There is a saying that “If you don’t use muscles, they will lose their strength over time”. And it’s true in every sense. However, if you think that strength training is a macho and brawny activity, and only that heavier-than-your body equipment will help you, then my friend, you are wrong. While lifting light weights won’t bulk up your muscles, it will still keep them strong.
The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, and it’s easier to maintain your weight. However, strength can’t be achieved in a week or even a month. Start light and slightly increase the weight with time, and it’s not even your choice. Once you are able to lift light weights, you will yourself be intrigued to increase the capacity and push your limits.
3. Squats

Whenever you read anything related to fitness, this is the exercise that will find every time. Squats will prevent you from lower back, knee, hip and ankle injuries as well as boost flexibility, balance, communication between mind and body. The exercise also helps in increasing lower body strength as well as spine and the most interesting thing is, it only takes 10 minutes to perform a couple of sets.
4. Walking

Walking is where it all started. From digestion to stamina to being a stress buster, this is the one exercise that anyone and it means anyone can easily follow. It can help control your weight, improve cholesterol levels, strengthen your bones, keep blood pressure in check and even lift your mood. For people suffering from diabetes and heart disease, walking is the best workout and for those who don’t have these types of diseases, this exercise will lower the risk of having one.
Several studies have also found that walking can even improve memory and prevent age-related memory loss.
5. Stretching

Stretching is not just for athletes. It may come as a surprise to you that it also helps in conditions such as diabetes and depression. Stretching helps in increasing blood flow, boost oxygen levels and to deliver the nutrients to your muscles. It further removes metabolic waste like carbon dioxide, ammonia and uric acid.
Although, stretching is said to be helpful for athletes to stay loose, limber and avoid injuries, it can also benefit others in ways you might not have known. Stretching is a warm up exercise that wakes your muscles up before putting them through any of the above-mentioned work-outs and keeps your body flexible, helps the ones with back-related problems and burns more calories than you think.
These are the 5 most effective exercises that you can follow the rest of your life and don’t forget to include a nutrient rich diet. If you eat good and religiously follow these exercises, no one can stop you from living a healthy and stress-free life.