“How to lose weight” is one of the most searched queries on Google and majorly it comes from those people who are not interested in heavy workouts and illogical dieting. With ‘get ripped instantly’ and ‘lose 50 pounds in a day’ flooding the internet these days, we thought of saving you from the lies and unnecessary intake of those fat burning pills and absurd workouts.
We all know the drill when it comes to losing weight. Intake a few calories and burn some more. We tend to follow the same process day after day, month after month and in the end, it still doesn’t feel worth the physical and mental taxing. What if, someone tells you that you actually only need proper food intake, rather than spending those tiring hours in the gym, Intriguing right?
This life-changing piece of information will help you lose those extra pounds and make you fit for that skinny pair of jeans, that somehow have traveled to the farthest side of your closet. By the end of this article, you are going to be happily shocked, unbelievably satisfied and will get the needed motivation to follow your fitness resolution, that never seemed possible before.
If you really want to see a slimmer you, you just have to change some eating habits coupled with light exercises.
1. Stop Dieting

Dieting is the most common and biggest mistake made by people wanting to reduce weight. When someone undertakes a weight loss program with the typical dieting approach they tend to restrict themselves from proper intake of food and focus more on the quantity. However, weight loss programs largely depend on what you eat rather than how much you eat. So save yourself from both the mental and physical pain, and get your facts straight.
2. Focus on Quality Food

Rather than eating low quality and calorie dense food (french fries, low-quality nutrition bars and soda), turn your focus on fiber and protein rich diet having, good fat content. Vegetables, fruits, whole grain(wheat, oats and brown rice), beans (black beans, kidney beans, lentils, and chickpeas), lean fish (salmon and sardines) and skinless chicken breasts will provide the best nutrition, having a very low quantity of fat.
3. Ignore Hunger Busting Food

Since you are not dieting, it’s alright to have some french fries but probably not every day. Further, there are some hunger-busting snacks that you normally consume in those quick breaks and ‘having nothing to eat scenarios’, which don’t provide optimum nutrition to your body. The likes of candies, pastries, deep-fried food, chips and white bread are a big No No as they are high on either sugar or fat content and barely have the nutritional value.
4. Follow the 80-20 Principle

The principle recommends that 80% of your calorie intake should come from fresh, single content (whole) food (meat and farm produce) while the rest 20% can be from the processed category. To let your taste buds suffer less, out of the 20%, 5 to 10 percent can be the mouth watering junk food, that is not so easy to resist.
5. Move More

Rather than sticking to a tiring and strict workout plan you just have to focus on providing your body a little bit of exercise. Yes, your diet plays an important part in losing weight but so does exercise. All those protein, vitamins, mineral and carbohydrates that you are going to infuse in your body, need some exercises to penetrate through every cell and tissue, for proper and efficient distribution.
It’s really easy. Set a timer for 60 minutes on your mobile phone and when it rings, get out from your cubicle or if you’re lucky, from your cabin, and walk around a little while giving your upper body some stretching.
Add some squats, sit-ups, overhead presses and incline push-ups to your morning exercises and trust me, no one can stop you from putting those skinny jeans in the front row of your closet.
Just remember, the aggregate time span of these ‘easy to perform anywhere’ exercises should not be less than 90 minutes.
Follow these simple steps and get proper sleep, your health goals are actually in your grasp, it’s just the matter of realisation!!
Peace Out!!