Follow These 5 Things For Soft And Glowing Skin This Winter

While winter brings an excuse for you to snuggle in a blanket all day without any conspicuous glares, it also requires some extra TLC (tender loving care) for your skin, face and body. One needs to give their heart and…

Try These Quick And Simple DIYs For Reducing Pigmentation And Dark Spots

Pigmentation, blackheads, dark spots and blemishes – now these are some of the terrifying words for any women out there. While we all should be proud of who and what we are, deep down we all want that clear and…

5 Morning Habits That Make You Successful In The Long Run!

Have you ever thought that, what is that one thing that all the successful people have in common? I mean of course they are extremely talented and the owner of a brilliant mind but there are many people who possess…

5 Full Body Exercises That are Worth Your Time

Attaining a fit body, worth second looks, needs hours of regressive workout and slaving yourself to those rusty iron bars day after day, year after year. Right? Well maybe not. If you are unable to follow a strict workout plan…

Follow These Five Exercises To Stay Fit For Life

It’s that time of the year when everyone starts planning about all those new year resolutions that they barely follow, staying fit being one of them. Moreover, after a week or so, we find it difficult to keep up with…

“Eczema”: A Genetic Disease, Which Is Still Considered To Be A Simple Allergy Problem

Eczema is a widespread problem from which millions of people are suffering in the world, however, it is still a much distinct subject for Indians. We have the tendency to look beyond our diseases that we’re suffering from, and consider…

5 Nazi Human Experiments That Will Shock You To Death!

Nazis, the word itself sends a shiver down one’s spine. Apart from the fact that Nazis were inflicting evils on the world, their doctors and scientists were doing far more horrifying than the world witnessed. It is reported that there…

These Tips And Tricks Would Solve Your Eternal Problem Of Winter Dryness

Winters are here, which means beautiful weather, foggy sceneries, hot coffees and cosy blankets. The most chill scene of the year is here (in the literal sense) and this means, get all your cute and cosy clothing out and have…

Hate Working Out? Here are 5 Alternatives That Can Really Help You.

It’s a proven fact that workout and diet plays an important part in the process of achieving a fit body. However, these workout and diet plans can turn out to be troublesome for many of us. Going through a hectic…

Top Five Absolute Beginner’s Workouts

Congratulations!! You have finally decided to get in shape. How do we got to know it? Isn’t it the reason why you have opted to read this article? Yes it is. So, here we are delivering you what you have…

These Half Moons On Your Nails Tells A Lot About Your Health And Lifestyle

Human Body is magic in itself, because of its functioning and all the weird ways that it works. Our body also never fails to give us hints about its functioning, problems and health issues. One such hint is of half…

30 Minutes Weight Loss Plan To Get Back In The Same Shape Again

It takes a lot of time and effort to build a basic ripped body structure, with numerous hours spent in the gym. A Weekend or Short Holiday including mindless partying and eating can seriously damage those ab lines of your…

Acne Can Be Cured With A Change In Diet

Acne has been associated with puberty, that every teen goes through, however, the recent study suggests that there is, in fact, a thing called adult acne. This means that those pimples, who were a nightmare for your 13-year-old self-are going…

This Magical Drink Will Help You In Reducing Belly Fat In No Time

We all know how treacherous the whole concept of losing belly fat is. It is one of those places that require way too much hard work and yet the results take a lot of time to actually grace us with…

On This World Mental Health Day Fight Your Demons Boldly!!

Today is World Mental Health Day which is observed every year in order to create awareness among the people about mental health issues and sufferings. As we know that this is a disease which is not much talked about in…

Chikungunya Food Diet: Follow The Diet That Will Help You To Recover

All those living in Delhi, definitely know about the viral Chikungunya in the city that has been affecting or had affected someone whom you know in the recent past. It is surely one of the most widely transmitted viral diseases…

Smoking Leaves A Lasting Mark On Your DNA

Smoking has been officially announced as deadlier than we could ever think, due to its tendency of leaving lasting marks on one’s DNA who smokes. A new study says that smoking alters more than 7000 genes, one-third of the known human…

This Shocking Detail About Five Second Rule Is The Worst Thing Ever!

I have been a firm believer of Five Second Rule, due to two reasons. First, I love food so anything that saves it from going to waste, is automatically dear to me. Second, five seconds go fast, very fast, so…

What You Need To Know About IVF Treatment

Though IVF is a popular option for conception, it is important for women to learn some facts about this technique before trying to get pregnant. This post lists out some facts and also throws light on the best country for…

6 Things That Are Ruining Your Skin and You Need To Avoid Them Now!!

We all desire and need soft, smooth and clear skin, but things like these come with a lot of precautions and right measures. At times, we don’t know about things that can be harmful for our skin and eventually lead…

Homes Not As Safe As Parents Think

All parents see their homes as safe, secure and comfortable places for raising their children. Sadly the statistics do not bear this out. Every year in every country almost 1,000 children die from accidents and many more are injured. Most…

24 Ways That Will Really Make Your Face Look Younger

One of the nicest compliments a woman can receive is to be told she looks younger than her age. Without resorting to a face-lift, you can wipe years off your face by following the advice of some experts. Here are…

14 Surprising Facts About Your Eyes That Will Make You Bite Your Tongue!!

Eyes are the most fascinating gift to us living beings yet they are one of the most complex parts of our body. We may not give them as much thought as we should but if something goes wrong with our…

All You Need To Know About Yoga And Its Benefits

Exercises and going to gym is not everyone’s cup of tea. But keeping yourself healthy and fit is really important. Yoga is the best option to keep you healthy in all seasons. No exercise is as enduring as yoga. It…

7 Reasons Why Being An Intelligent And A Good Person Is Not Always Favorable.

Intelligent and a good people are the rarest thing in the world but being intelligent or good have its downfalls. Intelligence and a good heart are not always a boon, not when you live in a society that keeps judging…