Human Body is magic in itself, because of its functioning and all the weird ways that it works. Our body also never fails to give us hints about its functioning, problems and health issues. One such hint is of half moons that people have on their nails.

These white half moon kinda things are called ‘Lunula’, a latin word for little moon.
Look at your nails and check if you’ve these half moons, if not then you should start working on your health, as soon as possible. These half moons are more than just some designs or something related to mutation, it is clear cut indicator of good and bad health symptoms.
Lunula starts disappearing from your nails as soon as your health starts declining, it can be related to indigestion or slow metabolism rate. And an instant change in health and diet will make your Lunula come back.
Now, there are some who don’t have these white moons on their fingers but they do have one on thumbs, this indicates that you’re physically weak and more susceptible to diseases.
These Lunulas are also widely correlated to issues such as depression, iron deficiency, glands and vitamin B-12 deficiency.

However, if you do have Lunulas there’s a good news for you. You’ve managed to maintain a healthy and good lifestyle, in this day and age of couch-ing all day and delivery of fast food on a click.
It also indicates that the person is energetic and is active in his day-to-day activities. Having white Lunula is also very beneficial as it indicates strong health.
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In short, having white and bright Lunula means a high possibility of you to show-off your healthy lifestyle.