All that glitters is not gold, we are told. Isn’t it? This is a common wisdom. Yet, in the same way, can it also be said that all that tastes bitter isn’t after all, that bitter? In other words, can…
Major crackdown on the healthcare, pharma industry: Govt bans Saridon, 327 other meds
You cannot stay without it and yet, you cannot help but question it uncompromisingly. The realm of healthcare is one that is often doused in controversy and seeped in a bit of a mystery. There’s great awareness about cancer. And,…
Vitamins for Healthy Nails
Beauty is an obsession of every woman. And so is with beautiful nails. But the beauty of nails, whether it is the shine or strength, it takes the energy and nourishment in the form of minerals and vitamins for healthy…
Some Myriad Benefits of Coconut Water
Colas and aerated drinks are out. Healthy drinks and non-fizzy beverages are in. Not an advertisement copy. Not a brand-promotional strategy. Rather, this is the truth of our times. And this has been the precedent for the longest time now,…
Is Workplace Killing People?
Didn’t we know that our daily jobs are imposing extreme levels of stress? And, that our mind and body is not prepared to handle ‘so much’? People keep on worrying about their work life balance. At the same time, they…
How To Avoid Eye Strain At Work In 5 Simple Ways
Avoiding eye strain has turned out to be our daily errands because exactly who would want to work with all their heart and soul, and then end up being suffering from strained eyes. Most of us are tied to our…
7 Benefits of Indian Traditional Food Habits
Each region of India, and the world, is diverse in its food culture. Yet, the food habits introduced by ancestors from Indian Vedic history have immense potential of coping with the health challenges. Here’s the showcase with 7 benefits of Indian traditional food habits that you…
Never Do These 5 Things Just After A Full Meal
“Being Healthy and fit isn’t a fad or a trend. Instead, it’s a Lifestyle.” Lifestyle is all about luxury and the wealth that you possess. People may comprehend it this way, but there’s lot more a lifestyle has to offer…
Take It Easy With Lemon Squeezy!
“This tastes really sour.” It’s the sour, succulent lemon. Lemon is a fruit yet we eat very little quantity of it because of its taste. How to get the countless benefits of this tangy lemon in cooking, ailments and beauty…
The Shocking Truth About Dieting?
Health and fitness are seemingly more challenging than it was few decades before. From magazine covers to commercials to news feed, every place is populated with diet, weight loss formulas, the dos and the don’ts. Does that catch your attention…
5 Morning Habits To Keep Your Digestion System Healthy
Every morning signifies an opportunity for the fresh start of a wonderful life. Your morning routine sets the foundation of your day. Cultivating morning habits for health is a great way to healthy lifestyle. No health routine is good unless…
10 Most Dangerous Food Allergies
Food Allergies? Uhh! We ignore unless we face it. A startling fact about the food on which we survive is that, “More than 170 foods are known to cause food allergies”. A food allergic reaction may show up from mild…
All You Need To Know About Ketogenic Diet
Want to lose weight? Or boost your energy? Decrease your food cravings? Adopt a healthy lifestyle to be physically fit and active? Yeah, but is that really possible? So, get going with us to explore all about the Ketogenic Diet…
Dentists have finally revealed some foods that spoil your teeth. Time to take control!
Alright, here we go then. Smile, on one, two and say cheese! Just how many times have we encountered the following phrase from a photographer or for that matter- a friend or someone close? We smile, flex the face a…
5 Things That Will Literally Boost Your Workout Sessions!
We millennials are already struggling through a lot to put a decent living. We are already juggling between so much, excelling at our work to keeping a hot bod, it gets exhausting but there is nothing that can’t be solved…
Hollywood’s timeless cutie Drew Barrymore has an interesting Yoga workout on Insta
This is an age of apps and this is a time where celebs are our heroes making most of the tech that there is. The smartphone may be a common tool in our hands but place it in the grasp…
International Yoga Day: 5 Yoga Asanas For Flat Tummy In 2 Weeks
The world observes International Yoga Day on June 21, to promote a way of life that is not healthy for your body and mind but also for your soul. Yoga is said to be a transformational way of exercising and…
Cancer-Stricken Indian Girl Battling with Eye-Cancer has the Only Hope in an Indian Charity
Cancer is a serious health anomaly. It’s the great malady of our times. It’s painful. It’s the cause of sorrow not only for the sufferer. Rather, it’s immensely pain-inducing for a sufferer’s family. One needn’t run after too many details…
The reason why zombie-heads are defending having cockroach-milk -believe it or not- will blast your mind
Why on earth would anyone want to have cockroach milk? Are we done already with having usual milk? Or, is there something so truly bizarre about having a clean, honest and simple glass of milk that it truly destroys the…
5 Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep To Function As A Normal Human Being
We all are craving for the good old sleep constantly, and at all times, except for the time when we can actually get it, i.e. at night. Because, night calls for much more important and crucial things and journeys to…
Try these 3 simple steps to boost your metabolism and overall health
So you’ve been trying to avoid staring at the mirror, but the consciousness kicks in? In other words, you aren’t too happy looking at yourself seeing versions of you leapt in rolls of extra weight? Yes, that can be a tad…
This Video Of Damaged Liver Will Make You Want To Quit Alcohol Forever
You know the drill, there’s work and work and then there’s more work and all of this leads to too much stress which makes you sleep deprived and then you drink till your sleep is back in the form of…
Do You Know About These 5 Morning Habits That Are Making You Fat?
We are living in a time and age where anything and everything can reach you with a click. From shoes to clothes to monthly expenses and even food and while all of this has helped us a lot, somehow, this…
Surgeons Removed 14 Huge Wriggling Worms From A Woman’s Organ
How many of you remember your parent’s warning about eating the right kind of food at the right time with right precaution, or else you end up with a bunch of worms in your stomach or some other dangerous story?…
This Video Of A Smoker’s Lungs vs Non-Smoker’s Lungs Will Shook You To The Core
When cigarettes were first introduced in the market, they were marketed as some drug that helps you calm down and makes you look cool. Soon everyone was smoking cigarettes at all times, and then the real news broke down about…