Shattering News Coming From England Highlights The Plight Of Women With Breast Cancer

At a time where newer health anomalies are worrying our world, the rise of breast cancer is a significant disconcerting trend. Cancer in itself, isn’t just a disease. It is a huge back-breaking concern for most of us in world…

5 Yogasan for Asthma | Yoga for Well Being | Yoga to Boost Immunity

Asthma is a something that one who lives in Delhi just can’t escape from. We Delhiites are on the verge of asthma and this leads us to gasp for air, wheezing and feeling a general tightness in the chest. All…

5 Home Remedies to Keep Mosquitoes Away

As the summer glows a bit brighter every other day, the mosquito season is also dawning on people, especially in the capital. Step out in the evening and you’ll be immediately attacked by hundreds of mosquitoes who see their meal…

5 Things To Do For A Constipation Free Summer

So you know, summer is here which is pretty evident with the sunshine which doesn’t even feels like sunshine anymore, it’s more like an oven in which you’re constantly roasted to the brim of your level. Along with the sunlight…

10 Effective Home Remedies For Acidity

How many times has it happened that you’re out with your friends or family and suddenly you feel this uneasiness in your body? There’s something burning and slowly and steadily the pain of this burn surge and before you know…

This Man’s Time-Lapse To Abs In 12 Weeks Will Motivate You To Start Your Journey

We all have looked at models in the magazine and wondered if we would ever be able to get one of these bodies? And, this stays the same for everyone, whether you hate your body or absolutely adore it, getting…

8 Effective Remedies For Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is one sad reality we all have come face-to-face at least once in our lifetimes. It works differently for different people, but no matter which type you have caught, all of them do one thing perfectly and that…

Doctors Are Urging To Ditch The Toilet Paper And Here Is Why

One of the worst places in the body to have pain might actually be your rear. The posterior. It hurts. It really hurts. Might rhyme with the trousers that often ill fittingly give company to your shirts. How often do…

6 Of The Best Summer Foods For Weight Loss

Summertime Sadness is going to dawn upon a lot of us, as we slowly and steadily shed layers of clothing and finally make our body rolls see the light of day, after months-long hiatus. Now, there are two ways with…

8 Immunity Boosting Foods That Will Make Your Body Fight Against viruses And Flus

Season change brings in a lot of diseases with itself and a majority of us often fall a victim to them, even when we’re trying our best, not to. Now, this is not because our body is not working properly…

5 Awesome Apps That Help You Do Yoga With Ease

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. This is a common saying you have heard time and again but to little implementation. And there’s hardly a doubt. There’s hardly anytime today to focus on one’s fitness. Where’s the time…

8 Home Remedies For Your Day-To-Day Health Problems

Pop a pill for every stomach ache, headache and even for a cough and cold. Why? Because that’s the easiest way of getting rid of a problem. However, in the means of getting rid of a discomfort right now, we,…

4 Yoga Asanas For An Improved Mental Health

Yoga is known for a variety of health benefits. It’s success from a long time is not only limited to the Indians, but rather has immensely grown in the west too. More and more people are inclining towards yoga as…

5 Morning Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight!

It all starts with a thought, true, but nothing can be done without actions. In this fast-paced life, most of us are the victim of obese and we all want to shed off some flab. However, if you won’t start…

7 Core Strengthening Exercises That Will Give You Toned Abs In No Time

Don’t we all want a bit more from our bodies, at all time? A little less here, a little more and literally tons of other altercations all around and while some would tell you to love yourself at all times,…

Top 8 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Almost Immediately

While we all love and adore our bodies a lot, there are just a few things that we really want to work on. For some it’s arm fat, for others it might be their thighs or even stomach for that…

8 Foods For Healthy Kidneys

Kidneys are one of the essential human organs, along with something that can easily fail to do its job, if not taken care of. We all have heard of so many problems and issues regarding kidneys that now, with a…

Menstrual Cramps Are As Painful As Heart Attacks Claim Doctors

Women all over the world can come to terms with one kind of pain they have to go through every month, and that is Menstrual cramps. These short-timed, yet extremely painful cramps are more than just a slight discomfort, they…

Cancer Survivors Have A Great Reason To Smile. It Relates To A Noble Decision By A Chennai-Based Hospital

Globally, cancer is known as the ’emperor of all maladies’. There’s no escaping it, even as its symptoms are known and it’s grave aftereffects well understood by one and all. Each year, a major killer of harmless and innocents is…

6 Magical Benefits Of Vitamin E Capsule That Can Make Your Skin And Hair Amazing!

We, the beauty-obsessed human beings go beyond our limits to keep our skin glowing. After all, we want to reach the perfection when it comes to our appearance. Maybe it is not applicable in the men’s world as much as…

Managing a Case of Urinary Bladder Cancer

Bladder is a part of your urinary system, situated at the lower part of your abdominal region. It is hollow in nature that stores urine before it is passed out of your system. Bladder cancer occurs when cancerous cells start…

5 Tips To Keep Your Vagina Healthy!

So recently when Swara Bhaskar created a lot of fuss when she wrote a letter to Sanjay Leela Bhansali in context of Padmaavat, the most highlighted word on social media became “Vagina”. Well, people were not afraid of talking about…

5 Super Healthy Seeds That You Should Incorporate Into Your Daily Diet

Seeds are the next big thing that everyone should consume for that amazing health, without much alterations in their diet. Yes, you read that right. And, until and unless you have been living under the rock or away from the…

5 Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home!

Having great teeth is something that everyone desires today and why not? In a world where our social media handles are flooded with our pictures we do want to flaunt a shiniest and brightest smile, don’t we? Apparently, 18% people…

Now Lose Weight With These 6 Sweet Snacks For Weight Loss

Sugar. While for some it’s a simple food additive that can turn anything simple and ordinary into something really sweet and amazing, for others, it’s almost an alert. An alert for everything that they need to stay away from, thanks…