Ageing. It’s as natural a process as that of feeling sad with someone’s passing. Or feeling jubilated with the arrival of a good friend. The natural tendency is for an individual to dread the concept of ageing. For it is quite obvious that we all wish to stay younger and healthier.

Who wants to grow old? None, right. But then, there are some things in the throng of nature that are just simply unavoidable. Isn’t it? There’s more excitement, thrill and charm in being young and happening. Ageing only brings nightmare health scenarios; some that pass away gently and some that continue to deliver many blows.
So that said, the common understanding is that everyone wants to stay younger and alive. We all wish to discover either some magic potion or some secret recipe that can delay ageing and can help us retain the pink of youth and its many divergent pleasures. Recently, a Brooklyn-based woman revealed some secrets to longevity just ahead of her 103rd birthday.

Wow, it’s such an incredible feeling to be healthy and moving about carefreely by the time one is 103, isn’t it? The key to leading a long and wholesome life- according to Mary Todisco- believe it or not- is maintaining a positive attitude. It’s quite emphatic to note that when Mary was born, back in the day in 1915, Woodrow Wilson was the American President. Today, she is nearing 103 and still going strong despite having had 5 major surgeries.
The kind, smiling woman revealed that while she never thought that she would be able to last as long, it was her positive attitude and inner resilience that helped her battle many a storm. In lighter vein, she revealed of her problematic operations by sharing, “ God said we don’t want you up here yet; you still have things to do down here.” According to Mary, “ If life is not good today, tomorrow will be better.”

But where health stands, Mary- who is a mother to three, grandmother to seven, great- grandmother to sixteen, revealed that having a low-sugar diet is always a plus as one ages. The happy go lucky woman, who has actually embraced quite a few difficulties of her own, having seen her mother pass away early in life, having her to take care of seven children alone maintained that keeping oneself occupied and busy is always a positive attitude to be leading a good life. Well, that is indeed some wisdom if it’s coming from such an experienced person, isn’t it?