Our daily routine has literally come to an halt amid the lockdown due to the spread of the novel Coronavirus. It is wise to stay at home to prevent the further spreased of the virus, but we shouldn’t skip on our workout. A healthy body ensures a good immunity that is what is needed to fend off this virus until a proper vaccine or remedy is ready. Here are the 5 best tips to workout at home amid lockdown.
Life is hard, it’s just the way it is and it’s not gonna change. One thing that actually can change is, our outlook towards it. We all know when it comes to health and exercise, we have our lifestyle to blame for but the reality is different. We just don’t value it enough. We do get exhausted to hit the gym but avoiding exercise is just because of our laziness. There we said it.
Instead of hiding behind the lousy reasons, you should look for ways to motivate yourself to workout at home amid lockdown. Working out at home may sound like a “so good to be true” idea but a little motivation can actually kick-start a regime that will benefit you in long run. It can be effective if you take it as seriously as your work. After all, you owe it to yourself.
So here we have a few ways that are sheer motivation to start working out at home amid lockdown
1. Make Time And, Set Aside a Space

Start your day half an hour early or take out sometime in the late hours. Vow to make just 30 minutes for exercising not more than that. Before you start, make sure you clear out a specific area in your house that can be dedicated to exercising. That will be your first step that will help you to motivate yourself to workout at home
2. Killer Playlist is a Must

It has been proven that music helps you concentrate while you exercise. It becomes better with the vigorous song as you put in more energy to it. So make a kickass playlist and include all the fast beat songs that will get you moving.
3. Invest in Equipment

We don’t suggest to go all in and transform your house into a gym. Start with small exercising equipments such as dumbbells, a mat or a thera band. You can make a little room for that, can’t you?
4. Wear The Right Clothes

You will never get into the phase of kicking some butt in your pajamas. Yeah, clothes do matter. They have a psychological impact on your brain. So it’s better you get into a proper attire that suits to exercise.
You will transform into a rabbit from a lazy tortoise. The appropriate gear will give you the much-needed torque and help you motivate yourself to workout at home.
5. Set Short Goals and Reward Yourself

Exercising in household setting can be monotonous, you need constant motivation to keep going. So, just like at work you receive incentives, set some for yourself. Give yourself a week and promise one unhealthy meal at the end of it. Start with losing minimum weight so that when you meet your goal you can set another and a bigger one.
Suggested Read: 5 Ways To Improve Mental Health In 2020
It may seem tedious yet it can improve your health, shape and, help you gain more confidence than ever.These ways will help you motivate yourself to workout at home as one should not forget that health should be the first priority, a good health will boost immunity and in turn will help in fending off the Coronavirus.