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Astaberry’s Diamond Facial Kit Helps You Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Wedding, party and the festive season is all about looking and feeling your best. It is also about making those gazillion trips to the parlour in order to look your best and have the perfect side of yours shine through.…

These Optical Illusions Will Make You Go WAIT, WHAT?

Optical illusions are some of the freakiest things one can experience because it can mean different to different people and has no real connection in between. We all have come across by-products of this phenomenon which has divided us and…

The 3 quick hacks you need to know if you wish to lose belly fat this year and beyond

Weight loss. That’s the word. ‘Happy New Year’ will come and go. Other words like ‘What’s up’ and ‘parties’ will come and go. Cuss words that you don’t want to use but are often forced at using- well, your lookout,…

10 Health Benefits Of Wheatgrass Juice That Proves It Is A Super Juice

Wheatgrass is a plant which is scientifically known as Triticum aestivum and if there is one thing for which this plant is immensely popular, then it has to be the benefits of wheatgrass juice. Ask any doctor, dietician or even…

Here’s Why You Must Include Amla In Your Diet During The Winters

A diet is what defines us and makes us tick. Food, at the end of it all, readies us and marks our presence in the universe. But having said that, we must understand that it is we who pick the…

6 Hair Care Tips For Winters To Prepare Your Mane From The Cold

Winter has finally dawned upon us and while we are having a lot of fun in dressing up and eating good things, there is something that deserves your attention more than any other time of the year and it’s hair…

Ginger for treating cold: How does Ginger actually treat cold and related ailments?

One can be glad that regardless of the obscenity of climate change, winters are still, pretty much a thing for real. There are few seasons where one can actually enjoy the surroundings as much as the otherwise dull-sounding proposition of staying…

Don’t Do Your Skin The Harm And Know How You Are Destroying It

Sometimes when we overthink about something, we end up completely destroying it and if you’re one of those who walk on this pathway then there is a high chance of you being committing the same kind of mistake. What we…

6 Oatmeal Benefits That Prove Its Amazingness For Your Health and Skin

Oats and oatmeal are said to be the perfect breakfast option for everyone. From a toddler to a senior citizen, almost everyone is advised to start their day with a bowl of oatmeal, for it consists some of the most…

These Oils will Give you The Glow You’ve Been Always Craving For

The world is inclining more and more towards natural ways of retaining and regaining beauty. A big chunk of our population currently, spends more on natural beauty products rather than going with some big and reputed company. This has happened…

5 Super Amazing Benefits Of Turmeric That Will Make Your World Go Upside Down

If there’s one spice that every desi grandmother swears by, then it has to be turmeric. There are countless benefits of turmeric on your health, body and skin, along with the divine taste that it adds to your food, which…

10 Super Amazing Benefits Of Ginger Tea

We as Indians are known for our love for tea (chai) all across the world. We need it almost at every minute and hour of the day, in fact, we start our day with it and rightly end it with…

Pick A Face Wash That Aligns With Your Skin Type And Problems, And See The Difference

Women are exposed to a large and interesting market where everything is available for each of their problems, from acne to acne scars, the skincare industry in India is dumped with a large number of products for women’s skin. And,…

Top 7 Interesting Facts About Hair Dye

Brown.  Blonde.  Black. Burgundy.  And the latest hair colors have green, yellow and more. It has nothing to do with your hair length, be it short, medium, or long. It is about your fashion and style. People don’t wait for…

Having a Constant Headache? This Might be One of The Symptoms of An Allergy

Allergies have often seen as these massive attacks that end up changing your entire health around. They usually come with a runny nose, swollen face, watery eyes and even scratchy eyes. However, there are certain symptoms of allergy that don’t…

Nutriceutical Banana: Before It Disappears

Banana is a very optimally priced fruit. It happens to be world’s most popular fruit. It can be eaten hassle free, has an amazing sweet taste, can be made tangy and spicy by adding lime, salt, pepper, chaat masala etc.…

5 Most Expensive Chocolates in The World

There is a thing about chocolates that makes you fall in love with it. Every Moment that you spend eating the chocolate is dedicated to the chocolate and you don’t think about anything else. Chocolates are loved all around the…

Top 13 Best Vegan Lipstick Brands in India

Interestingly, Vegan is gaining a lot of attention from critics as well as makeup fans. Women are searching for Vegan lipstick brands in India to enhance their looks. People are becoming sensitive towards animals and are standing against companies that…

Check Out What These Body Odours Reveal About Your Health

Body odours are one thing that no one wants to talk about or even mention. Yet, it’s one of the major deal breakers for a large chunk of people. Odour, in general, has something awful about them and if they…

Ladies and Gentlemen Your Wardrobe Problems Are Sorted!

Someone’s closet holds some of the most essential pieces of information about the person and can instantly give away all the good and bad things about them. It all lies in the art of categorizing, organise your wardrobe and maintaining…

Children, Parents and Social Media. A Different Progressive Take.

There is currently a lot of attention towards the consequences of social media use. Especially the negative consequences. It almost lets you forget the positive aspects of social media. It is an indisputable fact that there are many negative aspects…

10 Everyday Habits That Are Messing Up With Your Body And Brain

There are two different kinds of habits – good habits and bad habits. While good one helps you in transforming your life in a way one can’t even imagine, bad habits are something that can put a limit on your…

5 Simple and Easy Tips For a Glowing Skin

With the festive and celebration season’s arrival in our lives, the pressure to look good and presentable at almost every single place is at an all-time high. You need to be on point at all times no just because your…

How To Choose The Best Winter Jacket

Winter jackets are a trend and a necessity for every winter in almost all the countries in the world. A jacket is no longer a piece of clothing that keeps you warm in the winter. Nowadays, the jacket must also…

This 6-year Old Is The Most Beautiful Girl In The World

The Russian child model Anastasia Knyazeva is barely six years old, but with her 500,000 followers on Instagram, she gives it to her older colleagues. The successful model is already whispered that she is the most beautiful girl in the…