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Gulp Down Some Scandinavia In These 5 Amazing Beers!! Burp!!

Do you know what’s common between friends, girlfriends, breakups and celebrations? Beer. What else? This simple, uncomplicated drink holds enough power to fuzz out life’s troubles. When you’re having heartache, or when you need seek a companion when friends trash…

5 Tricks To Highlight Your Face For A Noticeable Glow!

Hola Ladies. Here we are again, rambling together and exploring the depth of mystic ocean of beauty. That was too heavy, wasn’t it? What I wanted to say is that I am back again with some new beauty tricks that…

Lips Contouring Is Rage These Days And Here Is How You Can Do It!

Hola Ladies. If you are not living under the rock (which I am guessing you are not since you are reading this article) then I am sure you know about the contouring craze that’s making everyone go gaga. It’s not…

Food Items That You Should Never Refrigerate

Have you been storing these food items in your fridge? Then take them out because they don’t deserve all the cold that you’re giving them. The refrigerator is one of the greatest inventions of all time, just think about it,…

Eating These 5 Foods Before Exercise Will Block Your Weight Loss!

Hola People. Most of you are all set to get rid of that flab and excited about your new gym dope routine but struggling to decode the mystery -Why Isn’t Working? Every time when we get ready to burn some…

Woof: 5 Stupidly Expensive Dog Breeds From Around The World

Don’t we all love dogs? Well, we mostly do, especially those who happen to practice bestiality. Lol kept aside, in an age where dog spas are flourishing and celebs hang out with cuddly pets as if they were dearer to…

Love and Relationships: 8 Signs That You Have Found The Man Of Your Dreams!

Aren’t you tired of listening – All Men Are The Same? We all are. We don’t need to generalize them but when it comes to relationships we can’t help but compare them. All thanks to the similar patterns but here…

9 Ways You Are Killing Your Happiness. You Need To Stop Right Now!

We are the generation of chaos. We whine, complain, get furious, and resent but in the end, we get back on the same track. Why? Simply because it is easier to cope up with a disarray life then quit and…

15 Hair Problems Only Girls Can Understand

There are problems and then there are hair problems and then there are girls hair problems that go on another level. There are very few things in life that girls love more than their hair, absolutely nothing. However, just like…

7 Things Successful People Do Everyday!

What makes a person successful? This has been a mysterious question for centuries and to our knowledge, no one has ever come with a justified answer. What drives these people to make it to the top? Passion? Well, we all…

6 Indian Superstitions And Their Origin Will Make You Go Haywire!

India Superstitions, the word itself suggests that whatever falls under this category is utter nonsense yet irrespective of that they have been here for ages. People follow them blindly mostly because they have been associated with some religious belief. We…

Navratri 2020: 5 Perfect Lehenga You Can Opt To Wear This Navratri!

Navratri is here and you can already feel the festivity in the air. Devotees have their plan for coming 9 days sorted and the atmosphere is brewing the uplifting zeal already. From puja pandals to the decorated temples, fruit shops…

These Illustrations Are For All Those Who Love Spending ME TIME!

There are people who are afraid of being alone and then there are content souls who know the importance of me time. No matter what happens around these people, they can be all indulge in the ambiance around them but…

These Are The Best Eye Shadow Colours For Brown Eyes

This is a list of best eye shadow colours for brown eyes and it will tell you about all the right colours that you should be choosing and picking up on your next makeup shopping spree. How many times have…

These Foods Are Considered Unhealthy But They’re Totally Not!

You can absolutely devour on these food items without a huge cheat guilt on your diet. Check out these foods that are considered unhealthy but are actually not. Everyone in this world is calling them on being all in for…

5 Hairstyles For Those Days When Your Hair Seem Greasy!

Hola People. I know it’s not a piece of cake to pull of great hair every day. We all have bad hair days, don’t we? Especially on those days when you wake up late and had to rush without running…

5 Superfoods For Hair Growth That Work Their Magic In No Time

These superfoods for hair growth will help you in achieving Rapunzel-like hair in no time. Food is a delicious thing to live for in life. It’s definitely one of the best things that have been designed for human survival and…

Tired Of Squats? These Butt Workouts Will Give You A Better Shape!

Squats burn butt fat and that’s no news but only squats will never burn that booty as per your desired results. It will work your glutes from one angle only so it is better to mix other exercises in your…

These Are The Perfect Comebacks For All The Creeps Lurking In Your DMs

Take a lesson from these ladies and give a right answer to all the creeps who are lurking in your DMs. Okay, ladies. I’m pretty sure that all of you must have been through a situation like what I’m going…

Living In Bangalore: 10 Things That Make It The Coolest City To Live In India

Living in Bangalore is said to be every Indian youth’s dream these days. Be it the pleasant climate, the booming IT hub or the renowned nightlife, the city has almost everything to offer and moreover, living in Bangalore not necessarily…

5 Things To Keep In Mind If You Have Just Started Gymming

If you have recently started gymming then there are a lot of things that you need to know and even bust few myths in the process. We all want to be fit and more than that, we all want to…

5 Simple Ways To Keep Your Dry, Itchy Skin Healthier This Winter!

Winter is kicking in and the tussle between your skin and cold-weather is going to be rough. Every year, these few bleak months make our skin flaky, scaly, ashy and itchy… Do we need to state that it becomes an…

This 3-Step Exercise Will Tone Your Arms Faster!

Ladies you have been fantasizing about succeeding in attaining the perfect arms for forever but arm fat is tricky. The stubborn jiggly flesh at the back of arms is so irritating that you ditch the thought of wearing tank tops…

5 Cool Hairstyles You Should Try In This Winter!

Every six-months I flirt with the idea of getting a new hairstyle and as hard as it may seem, it’s never easy to pick the perfect one. And how can it be? The latest fad in the realm of Hairstyles…

8 Amazing Benefits Of Quinoa That Will Push You To Consume This Magical Grain

These are 8 amazing benefits of Quinoa for your body, hair, and skin, and they prove that this grain is truly a magical seed for all your problems. Quinoa is one of the most talked about grain in the market…