This Is How You Can Slow Down Signs Of Ageing In The Easiest Ways Possible

Almost everyone has repeated the truth that your skin looks the best when you’re in your 20s. It’s young, it’s fresh and it can get shit done without looking like an actual mess, something that we want to keep on…

5 Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth at Home!

Having great teeth is something that everyone desires today and why not? In a world where our social media handles are flooded with our pictures we do want to flaunt a shiniest and brightest smile, don’t we? Apparently, 18% people…

5 Signs That Indicate That You Are A Sociopath!

When people tell you that you have an extremely intolerant behavior towards social life or you are extremely antisocial, you don’t put a lot of thought in it, do you? However, if it’s actually on the extreme lines, you might…

Now Lose Weight With These 6 Sweet Snacks For Weight Loss

Sugar. While for some it’s a simple food additive that can turn anything simple and ordinary into something really sweet and amazing, for others, it’s almost an alert. An alert for everything that they need to stay away from, thanks…

4 Workout Mistakes You Should Really Stop Doing!

Have you been working out a lot lately and yet making no progress in getting rid of that extra weight? It really kills your determination, doesn’t it? You put a whole lot of effort in your gym workout and yet…

7 Foods That Have More Potassium Than In A Banana

Banana is one of God’s very own fruit which is jam-packed with some really important and amazing nutrients, however, not everyone enjoys it. We all have come across a lot of people in our lives who absolutely abhor the existence…

5 Much Needed Habits You Need To Pick Up In 2018!

Life has always been a series of surprises as well as monotony. The statement may sound contradictory but this how life is and we, the soul-bearing humans tend to make it more complicated than it already is. In recent times…

9 Simple Ways To Debloat Quickly

It’s one of the most important and exciting days for you, you’re confident and ready to get dressed in your favorite dress and shoes. And, suddenly you realise you’re bloating. This is not the usual kind but that belongs to…

Signs You Have A Vitamin B12 Deficiency

This is a known fact that our body simply runs on some really important proteins and vitamins, without which it would sooner or later, ultimately shut down. Don’t overlook these signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency. One of such extremely important…

3 Easy Exercises That Will Help You Get Thinner Arms At Home!

Toned arms is a wish that’s not granted without efforts. However, it doesn’t take much to work out on that flab, if only you really want arms that resemble perfection. To lose fat of a specific body part may seem…

This Is How You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning!

For years people are being advised to drink lemon water in the morning. It has become the best friend of dieter’s, even TV commercials suggest a glass of lemon water blended with a spoon of honey can help you reduce…

5 Face Yoga Exercises To Get Firmer Skin And Maintain Jawline!

Don’t you love to have the perfect cheekbones and jawlines like all those Hollywood and Bollywood celebrities? However, we all know that with age and an ample consumption of fast food and alcohol has made your face fat. The gravity…

7 Foods You Can Munch A Lot Without Weight Gain!

Don’t we strive a bit too much to attain that perfect body? The struggle for weight loss keeps you mind hooked and exhausted constantly. All you think is what you should eat or what you shouldn’t and to follow that…

Best 5 Natural Face Masks To Keep Your Skin Healthy And Glowing!

As soon as cold weather kicks in, the gloominess takes over and everything from our hair to skin seems like hit by a storm. The winter chills remind us that we need to pamper our skin and bring back its…

Easy Ways To Remove Dry And Dark Skin Around Your Neck!

The neck is said to be the most arousing part of a woman’s body, however, most of us tend to be insecure about the dry and dark skin around it. Especially nape of the neck and base of the throat…

9 Bad Habits That You Should Let Go After Mid Twenties!

Our teenage heart knows no limitless. It wants to wander in every dark cage, explore every danger adventure. We tend to be tempted to try everything whether it falls under the circle of good or bad. It doesn’t matter how…

For The First Time In Two Months, Delhi Breathes Fresh Air

Strong winds and an overnight drizzle turned Wednesday’s ‘poor’ air quality in Delhi to ‘moderate’ on Thursday. A change that everyone was dying to breathe, since almost two years, as per the records of Central Pollution Board Data. On Wednesday…

6 Beginners Rules For People Who Want To Lose Weight!

Finally, you have made the decision that you need to shed some flab off your body. That’s the first step and it all begins from here. However, before you hit gym and start to sweat out like a pig, you…

5 Best Ways To Cure A Hangover Like A Boss!

All those mornings when you woke up with a hangover have already given you a glimpse of the dreadful start of a day. How did you land on a morning like that? Okay, so you were out chilling with your friends…

Exercise During Period Will No Longer Be A Trouble With These Tips!

One can never resolve the dilemma if it is bad to workout on your period or exercise during period could actually safe. Of course, hitting gym and burning calories is some the least of our worries in periods. The annoying…

5 Foods To Boost Your Memory So That You Never Forget Anything Ever!

Is it hard to keep track of things lately? Keep forgetting your keys or files. Misplaced an important document because you forget where you kept it. Forget to wish a friend on his birthday or anniversary, or even worse forgot…

7 Dieting Tips You Should Remember If You Really Want To Lose Weight!

Dieting doesn’t have to be torture. It sure seems like it but with the right guidance and true dieting tips, you can work miracle and lose pounds easily. You really need to be mindful of the advice you take. A…

How To Keep Hair From Tangling Throughout The Day

As quickly as a tangled pair of headphones sends you into a rage, your tangled hair certainly surpass the mark. We have no idea how those perfectly aligned wires manage to entwine, nor did we have any clue about how…

7 Alternative Exercises For People Who Hate Gym!

All your life you have been told to work it and stay in shape. If only people knew how much you hate the thought of surrounded by weights and machines and worse of all, sweat dripping people. Sounds like the…

9 Healthy Breakfast Options For All Who Want To Start Their Day With Something Healthful

It’s morning o’clock, you just have an hour or two before you start rushing through that door and reach for places that you have to be. Somehow in the rush of it all, you’ll compensate your nutritious and most important…