Hack Your Way Into Life With These Crazy Uses Of Conditioner!

There are so many different ways in which you can use conditioner in your day-to-day life, so check out 8 of these crazy uses of conditioner. The Internet is filled with hacks that have been making life easier with one…

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Within a Week

Hola People. Dark circles are stubborn, aren’t they? As soon as they appear at first they continue to get a shade darker and we practically loath them every time we look into the mirror. They are scary and the worst…

Plus Size Shopping? These Brands To Look For!

Shopping for plus size gives the impression of being a never-ending task that will only end in disappointment. How many of us have literally looked at an attire appearing dazzling on that mannequin, went inside the store and asked for…

Do’s and Don’ts Of Getting A Tattoo

Getting a tattoo? Then there are a lot of things that you need to know about the entire experience. Here are some do’s and don’ts of getting a tattoo. Getting your first tattoo is an experience that many consider being…

5 Tricks To Highlight Your Face For A Noticeable Glow!

Hola Ladies. Here we are again, rambling together and exploring the depth of mystic ocean of beauty. That was too heavy, wasn’t it? What I wanted to say is that I am back again with some new beauty tricks that…

Lips Contouring Is Rage These Days And Here Is How You Can Do It!

Hola Ladies. If you are not living under the rock (which I am guessing you are not since you are reading this article) then I am sure you know about the contouring craze that’s making everyone go gaga. It’s not…

These Are The Best Eye Shadow Colours For Brown Eyes

This is a list of best eye shadow colours for brown eyes and it will tell you about all the right colours that you should be choosing and picking up on your next makeup shopping spree. How many times have…

5 Hairstyles For Those Days When Your Hair Seem Greasy!

Hola People. I know it’s not a piece of cake to pull of great hair every day. We all have bad hair days, don’t we? Especially on those days when you wake up late and had to rush without running…

5 Cool Hairstyles You Should Try In This Winter!

Every six-months I flirt with the idea of getting a new hairstyle and as hard as it may seem, it’s never easy to pick the perfect one. And how can it be? The latest fad in the realm of Hairstyles…

5 Makeup Trends You Must Try In Winter 2024!

The winter is coming! Ahaan, I am not quoting the famous line of Game Of Thrones only, I am, to all intents and purposes, giving you a heads up to turn the notch higher of your beauty game. Every year…

How I Perfected The Art of Buying My Lingerie Online

If you are a woman reading this, you definitely would find these traumas intriguing Yes, I call them that, because I believe that Lingerie is very ramp-esque , only sensual and for ‘special’ occasions. Some of my friends and colleagues…

These Were Some Of The Craziest Entries From 2017 World Beard And Moustache Championship

These crazy entries in 2017 World Beard and Moustache Championship show a compassion which is just out of this world. People say that you need a lot of compassion and patience in order to grow out a glorious beard and…

5 Homemade Hair Masks For Natural Beautiful Hair!

Flaunting silky, shiny and absolutely gorgeous hair is every girl’s dream. Receiving stares that are envious for your long strands boosts your confidence. All of it stays captured in imagination because truth to be told, living beneath ether, the surrounding…

5 Reasons That Will Convince You To Never Wear A Bra Ever Again!

Hola Ladies. I am sure you have felt a sigh of relief every time you unhook your bra after returning home. An exhausting day and your ample bosom hanged on a piece of cloth sewed with padding, it’s terrible! You…

5 New Eyeliner Trends You Need To Try Atleast Once In 2017!

Let Your Eye Socket And Crow’s Feet Feel Beautiful With New Eyeliner Trends! Every year, multifarious beauty trends make a debut or return and live on. It’s obvious, meagre trends fade but pleasingly modish engross their presence. Not every makeup…

Movies That Every Fashion Lover Must Watch

Love fashion? Watch these 10 movies that excelled on portraying the best of fashion trends through their movies. Fashion is not just trends and clothes and what is in and what is out and which pattern rocks the most, it…

7 Best Things You Should Do To Attract A Woman!

These Things Will Help You To Charm A Woman On Your Next Date! It’s practically impossible to know what goes on a woman’s mind. There are countless thoughts that cross a woman’s mind in a nano second, it’s almost like…

12 Quotes By Coco Chanel That Are Life Lessons For Every Power Women Out There

Coco Chanel did things that can still be considered unattainable, however, she did it and now her story is an inspiration for millions of women out there. And these quotes by Coco Chanel are some of the life advice that…

5 Hacks To Keep Your Wardrobe Sorted If You Are Living Away From Home!

Hacks To Keep Your Wardrobe Clean And Sorted! Every weekend I use to arrange my wardrobe and by the end of the week, it used to get messier than the previous week. I was sick of folding the pile of…

Desi Ways to Grow Long Hair, Just At Home

These are the best desi ways to grow long hair naturally, at home. And, you should know them too. We all are aware of the good old Dadi-Nani Nuskhe, a.k.a. Desi ways to cure basically any and every problem that…

5 Reasons Contact Lenses Are Better Than Glasses!

If you just hate the fact that your glasses keep sliding off your nose then welcome to the club. The fact that most of us have weak eyesight (Thanks to television, laptops and smartphones), is the reason that glasses have…

10 Fashion Must-Have For Every College Girl

These are 10 fashion must-haves that every girl should have in their wardrobe. College is just about to start and we all have been through the trauma of what to get and what not to get. The trauma is too…

6 Types Of People You Should Let Go Of Before Turning 30

You don’t need these 6 types of people in your life anymore. When we make friends, we don’t do friendship with them for a limited period of time. We expect every one of our friends to be by our side…

3 Natural Ways That Will Make Skin Glow, Smoother, and Healthier!

Hola People! Who wouldn’t dream of a healthy bouncy and glowing skin? Well, forget about women, even men are way too protective about their skin these days. But with all that unbalanced diet, polluted environment and excessive use of beauty…

How To Become A Better Person In This Harsh World

How To Become A Better Person: Realities You Need To Accept This World can be a harsh and brutal place at times and we like to tackle this problem with sugar-coated lies that gives us a short-term satisfaction which helps…