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Your Perfect Guide To Long Lasting Lipstick!

Hola Ladies. Lipsticks are the moon to our face, as they keep us shining, however, it looks completely disastrous and ruins our beauty game after a few hours. Those chapped lips with scattered lipstick make us look untidy and no…

4 Korean Beauty Secrets That Will Make Your Skin Glow!

Unless you are living under a rock or a make-up sadist, there is zero chance that you already don’t know about the Korean revolution in skin care department. Korean products are practically ruling the market as well as the heart…

7 Romantic Things You Can Do To Stir Love In His Heart!

Hola Ladies. It doesn’t really count if the guy you are dating is sensitive and romantic or he is macho. After a certain amount of time, things tend to get monotonous even after you work your magic. The spark doesn’t…

8 Brain Foods To Boost Your Memory

What you eat has an equal reaction on your mind, body, and soul. However, at a time when everyone is constantly running to make things happen for themselves, without much care for their health, things get ugly. There are so…

How To Achieve Your Goals: 5 Life Lessons To Achieve What You Desire

Life can be hell at times and the only way to overcome this feeling to achieve something worthwhile. But that doesn’t come easy as there is nothing like perfection and one just can not guarantee success in one attempt. Yes,…

5 Tips That Will Boost Your Running Mechanics!

That treadmill seems like a monster with every passing second as no matter how you try, you can never run past 10 minutes. Sounds familiar? Well, lack of stamina is the problem of our generation, were running on the machine…

Benefits of Drinking Hot Water – What if I Drink Hot Water Everyday?

Hot water is something that we often think of drinking when we’re not well. While yes, it can help you a lot in order to get back to your usual energetic self, but why do we stop doing it immediately,…

5 Myths About Eggs That Need To Be Busted!

Eggs have been in existence for longer than any human can even think of. More than that, they have been a breakfast favourite of many people for many years. We all can remember the time when our parents used to…

7 Things Only Creative People Will Relate To!

Long curly locks, thick glasses, fingers on guitar strings or typewriter or on canvas, this may become the image of creative people in recent times but they are more than all of this. Every creative mind ever has quoted that…

The Possible Health Risks: 8 Ways Your Bed Is Depleting Your Health

A good night’s sleep is not possible without the necessary factors. The stress level, room condition, and comfort are just one of the primary factors that define of having a good night sleep. But before anything else, you have to…

Lipstick Color Can Guide Your Man To Decode You On The First Date!

We bet that after reading this lipstick analysis, you would think twice before painting your lips. Ummm, don’t be scared, we are just sharing a study that has revealed that the color of women’s lipstick tells a lot about her.…

7 Things You Should Completely Avoid On The First Date!

Hola People. As much as we have enquired about the measures you should keep in mind while planning the first date. We haven’t quite touched the sphere of “What should be avoided on that special day?”. To know what to…

Is He Really Into You? Look For These Signs!

Hola People. From the time when we were apes to the recent times when we are Homo Sapiens, one thing that has been more complex than ever is the concept of love. It may sound heavy to start with but…

Such A Beardo: There’s A Beard Anthem And It’s Shit Catchy

We all love beards, right? From men to women, everyone is currently adoring the entire beard on fleek trend. Plus, there has been a sudden rise of beard-based products in the past 3-4 years which officially state the ascend of…

The Perfect Flower Gift for a Birthday

Most of us lead very rushed lives and have very little time to go visiting friends’ and relatives like the old days. Many of us also live 10 hour workday lives where there is little time for celebration of one’s…

Improved Lighting for Improved Vision: Lighting Ideas For A Healthy Eyesight

Having good lighting is the most necessary aspect of an exceptional vision. Without light, we just can’t see. Reciprocally, too much amount of light or even a flashing, blinding light can cause eye irritation. A healthy eyesight talks about an…

5 Cheap Sources Of Protein: Building Muscle On A Budget

We all know that building muscles just not end with you going to the gym regularly. There are a ton of other things that one has to do in order to get those muscles on your body. One of those…

6 Bollywood Celebrity Stylists That You Need To Follow On Instagram

For every wonderful outfit your favourite Bollywood diva wore for a movie promotion or red carpet, there’s a person who takes care and gathers every piece of clothing for them. These people are called, stylists, rather celebrity stylists. They need…

Try These Low-Fat Snacks To Kick Away Your Hunger Pangs

How many times have you been at the office, trying to concentrate on your work, while completely ignoring any kind of small talks with your colleagues, and just feel that hunger kick in? For me, this happens on a daily…

6 Personality Traits Of October Born People!

Like any other month, October born people have a personality of their own and the one thing you should know is that they are simply charismatic. Each month born people are born with different personality traits and qualities. As much…

Take Care Of Your Skin And Hair This Diwali With These Tips & Tricks

Diwali, the festival of lights, is the time when everything looks radiant and simply beautiful. You have lights and colourful rangolis and amazingly dressed people, all around you. However, there’s too much that goes into having a great and fun…

7 Secrets Of Men That You Should Know!

Hola People. Enough talking about relationships, sex, and mostly women. We have seldom talked about men especially their emotions other than sex. Women are complicated and the world knows it. They have a reputation for being the complicated gender but…

The Healthiest Foods To Include In Your Daily Diet To Stay Fit

Food is one of the most important requirements of the humans for survival. It gives you energy and other nutrients to make your body work efficiently. Nature has blessed the Earth with tons of food items to eat but not…

7 Makeup Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier!

On an average, women spend 474 days of their lives putting on make-up. That’s a hell lot of time, a year and three months but you can’t really blame it on them after all, makeup is not something that is…

Best Exercises To Gain Biceps And Triceps For Fitness Lovers!

Every time when a person walks in who claims to be a fitness lover, people turn their eyes to see his arms and judge. It’s not fair but that’s how it goes. As soon as people have a good look…