Diwali, the festival of lights, is the time when everything looks radiant and simply beautiful. You have lights and colourful rangolis and amazingly dressed people, all around you. However, there’s too much that goes into having a great and fun Diwali.
One has to get through the dreading Diwali cleaning and over-the-top hectic shopping spree. No matter how much you love shopping, Diwali shopping would get to you at least once. In the midst of all this, we tend to overlook some important things. Like our hair and skin and their protection, as well as care process.
Apart from all the lights and rangolis, Diwali is also all about crackers and we all know that a ban on the sale of crackers, won’t be able to stop some idiots from still burning them. These crackers have a disastrous effect on your health and along with that, they also harshly affect your hair and skin.
Nobody wants that, and so we have compiled a list of few tips and tricks that you can do to protect your hair and skin from the ashes and fumes of crackers burned during Diwali.
Hair care tips:

1. We all go a little experimental with our hairstyles, and these experimentations often lead to heating your hair, either for straightening it or curling. Do keep in mind to use a preheat serum or cream.
2. If you have decided to go with some kind of braids or bun, then do keep in mind to not sleep on it. Your hair has already been under so much stress, let it breathe for the night.
3. Do remember to wash your hair on the very next day, so that you’re able to get the harmful substances out of your hair, as soon as possible.
4. After the wash, remember to apply argan oil which helps in rejuvenating your hair and getting its life back.
5. Let your hair air dry and don’t use a blow dryer or something of that sort to dry it up.
6. Avoid brushing it, as it might cause your hair to break more than usual, at this point.
Skin care tips:

1. Diwali also means a tonne of makeup. So, do remember to wear a primer and moisturiser that can help you in not getting those toxic particles under your skin.
2. No matter how late your Diwali party will keep on going, do remember to cleanse your skin and not sleep with makeup on.
3. Do the entire ritual of CTM, i.e. Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing.
4. You can go for scrubbing the next day to get the dead skin out and clean your pores.
Do follow all of these tips, so that your skin and hair is as healthy as your Diwali.
Jyotsna Amla