Spread Mental Health Awareness – Let’s Open Up About Depression

Dear Depression, You struck me during Diwali in the year 2011. The entire City of Joy was lit up while pitch black darkness loomed large on my mind. You were a loyal lover who didn’t feel like leaving me at…

Nightmare in Kerala: In India for treatment for depression, Latvian Liga Skromane drugged & beheaded

Not the kind of news you’d want to read first up in the morning. And it’s definitely not a news that’ll kickstart your day with enthusiasm, especially on a weekend- the rosy part of the week that’s marked with positivity.…

5 Things You Need To Know About Depression

Depression – If you think that it is one of the most talked about topic in recent times owing to the fact that WHO (World Health Organisation) made depression their theme of 2017, then you must know why it was…

Here Are The Best Exercises To Combat Anxiety And Depression!

Anxiety And Depression can be reduced by exercising! Your mental health is relevant to your physical health. You may not know this fact but there is a strong connection between your body and your mind. Probably that’s why people who…

What’s Wrong? Sums Up Depression In 6 Minutes

What’s Wrong? is an amazing short film that realistically delves into the realms of depression and mental health which shocking affects 60% of our country’s population. Yet, we fail to understand, talk and express about it because apparently, people still…

World Health Day – This Is What Depression Truly Is, In A Country Where Mental Illness Is Considered A Choice

Depression for Indian society is nothing but a temporary sadness that can be shooed away by simply going out or smiling. However, is it? 7th April is observed as World Health Day by World Health Organisation (WHO) and each year,…

Miraculous Water: Benefits of Fenugreek Water 

Fenugreek water is popularly recommended by doctors especially by ayurvedic , alternative science physicians, nutritionists, and dieticians all over the world for its miraculous health benefits. Fenugreek water is simply water obtained from soaking dry fenugreek seeds overnight. Not surprising,…

Unravelling the Whim-Whams : Types of Phobias

Every person has experienced some degree of fear at a given point of time, this fear is known as Phobia. Phobia is defined as an uncontrollable, unexplained, and never ending fear of an object, situation, activity or any of them…

Scuffling For Sleep: Let’s Get Acquainted What Is Insomnia?

Every human must have experienced a varied degree of restless sleepless nights in their life. It is one of the most prevalent phenomena of sleep disorders worldwide. So, let’s go through an in depth view of  “What is insomnia?” Insomnia…

Elevate Your Mood : How To Increase Happy Hormones In the Body 

You must have heard from various platforms that exercise, a good diet , and good sleep can alter your mood. You know why? Because the mood is highly affected by happy hormones in our body. Boosting happy hormones in your…

Nighttime Eating: Is Eating Bad Before Sleep?

Sleep is a crucial vital parameter for good and sound health because it helps in rejuvenating and restoration of body cells. There are many factors which affect human sleep like the food we eat, physical activity, emotional, and mental health…

Time To Repair And Replenish The Barrier: The Leaky Gut Syndrome 

In the last few years we have been hearing a lot about gut health, intestinal health, good microbes of the gut, or chronic inflammation of the digestive system, etc like health topics are getting ample focus and discussions on varied…

Childhood Obesity Is An Alarming Issue : Let’s Erase The Ingrained Myths And Misconceptions About Childhood Obesity. 

Childhood obesity is one of the biggest health concern issues which is engulfing kids too quickly. The issue is a deeply rooted one as there are multiple factors that precipitate the disease such as lifestyle, genetics, socioeconomic factors, junk food…

“Aristocrat Of Fruits”: Custard Apple. So, Let’s Learn Benefits of Custard Apple

Custard apple is a green cone shaped fruit. It is commonly known as Sweet apple, Sitaphal, or cherimoya. It has a unique sweet taste and is widely known for its various health benefits across the world. So, let’s discuss the…

Are We Walking Enough? Let’s Discover The Surprising Facts 

Early humans used to walk 16000 – 17000 steps a day. But with modernization and urbanization walking capacity is decreasing progressively. Is this one of the reasons for increasing chronic health issues for us? So, for that we need to…

Unleash the Power of Your Mind: The Surprising Science Behind Mindfulness Meditation and Its Effects on the Brain

Mindfulness meditation has gained widespread popularity in recent years, with countless individuals embracing this ancient practice for its numerous health and well-being benefits. But what exactly happens to our brains when we engage in mindfulness meditation? In this article, we’ll…

Tips For Improving Mental Health And Well-being

Maintaining good mental health is essential for living a happy and fulfilling life. It is not only about the absence of mental illness, but also about taking proactive steps to promote overall well-being. There are various ways to improve mental…

Peace of Mind: Top Mental Health Apps for Managing Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are common mental health problems that affect many people worldwide. With the increasing demand for mental health care, technology has provided an innovative solution in the form of mental health apps. These apps have revolutionised the way…

Foods That Foster Your Mood 

Food has the power to affect not your body but your brain too. It is dismaying to know that the importance of food is just associated with your physical appearance. But if we observe closely then food has the power…

Working Overtime: Do You Have An Exit Strategy?  

We humans have a big issue in turning down and saying NO to anyone in general. But this habit has cost the exploitation of human time and efforts especially in workspace. This brings non-congeniality both in the professional and personal…

TikTok Introduces 60-Minute Daily Time Limit 

TikTok is introducing a daily screen limit of 60 minutes for users under 18 years old. The change, which will be implemented soon, is aimed at helping young people to manage their time on the social media platform.  Cormac Keenan,…

Uncovering The Hidden Dangers: The Possible Side Effects Of Vitamin D3 Supplementation

We generally always talk about the great benefits of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. But it would not be wrong to say that anything in excess can be harmful for the human body as we need nutrients and vitamins in a…

What Happens If You Cut Off Sugar From Your Diet?

Reducing or cutting off sugar from your diet is a popular trend among those who are health-conscious or looking to improve their overall well-being. While it may not be easy to do, many people claim that cutting off sugar from…

Soaking In The Luxury: The Surprising Health And Relaxation Benefits Of Hot Tubs

Hot Tubs are a popular way of relaxing especially in urban areas of the world. The high end society particularly drools over the benefits of hot tubs. But it’s not a luxury lifestyle item only, it has many health benefits.…

Has Your Headache Become A Nuisance For You?

Headache is a very common yet vague symptom and a disease as well. About 96% of people have experienced a headache once in their life, including children. Around 52% of the human population has an active headache disorder. There are…