Dev Tyagi
Dev Tyagi
3299 Articles0 Comments

A German Spy Who Was Working For Moscow?

While Russia hasn’t really reacted at the moment regarding a sudden occurrence in Germany, which made an arrest of a man allegedly spying for Moscow, it can be said with certain, there’s only reason why governments keep quiet when arrests…

A Bihar Man Posing As Foreigner Duped A Woman For 2.5 Crores Having Found Her On Facebook!

Social media is a massive truth of our lives and a dominant discourse of the 21st century, an age where it has become the the voice of the voiceless, having given a platform for self-expression to those who never found…

Record 69 Lakh Vaccine Doses Administered In India On Day 1 Of Revised Guidelines!

Truth be told, there’s not a single day nowadays where one doesn’t hear the term Coronavirus and the same way, one gets to hear the term vaccines. How can one not hear it too, anyways? To a country that has…

Scientists Discover What Was Allegedly Australia’s Largest Dinosaur!

There’s been an endless sense of fascination with the dinosaurs and it is not some newfound love; our interest in one of the world’s most enigmatic yet dangerous mammals was first stoked by Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park. To the nineties…

China Has Administered Over A Billion COVID 19 Vaccine Doses!

To this day, the world is quite divided about as to whether China was actually the source of the COVID 19 virus, one that has changed the complexion of the entire planet altogether. A fortnight ago, even Britain’s celebrated MI6…

A Rabbi Is Joining The German Army! So What’s So Special About This Development?

Back in the days of the great war, one that wrecked the world splitting it into two parts, one belonging to the evil Axis powers and the other, to the brave Allied forces, Germany was, without a doubt, the most…

What Are Condom-Makers In Japan Worried With As The Tokyo Olympics Near?

They are recognized as one of the best global sporting events ever. They are, the realm of sport, the equivalent of the Academy Awards in the film world. Grand. Larger than life. When an athlete reaches this revered international mark,…

661 Individuals In Indore Fined For Not Wearing Masks!

In what can only be called a shocker from the beating heart of Madhya Pradesh, as many as 661 individuals in Indore were fined for not wearing the safety masks in public. To not be wearing a face mask whilst…

Indian Funds In Swiss Banks A Whopping 20,700 Crore

Among the things that may not after all matter a great deal to Switzerland but actually mean something very relevant to India is the fact that apparently, the Swiss banks have no fewer than 20,700 crore worth of Indian funds.…

How Soon Will Schools Reopen In India? Government Has An Answer!

For the longest time now, parents across India have lacked smiles and been putting up with a sense of doubt, which hitherto now, hasn’t really subsided. So what is troubling the Indian parents at the moment? In an age where…

An Assam Mechanic Turned His Own Car Into A Lamborghini Lookalike!

Well, truth be told, most of us can only dream of driving it while only a few, say 1 in every 100 can afford to own or drive a Lamborghini. Isn’t that right? There are things that are easy to…

Shafali Verma And Smriti Mandhana Shine For India, Score India’s Highest Opening Stand In Test History!

Before India nosedived to a rather unflattering score of 187 for 5, having been 167 without a wicket lost at one stage, it was all about a sterling show by Shafali Verma and Smriti Mandhana in the one-off Test against…

A Rather Strange Piece Of News Regarding Bats In Switzerland That Doesn’t Look That Healthy!

Truth be told, if in today’s times, you get to hear of the mere name of the animal bat, then perhaps you’d breathe heavy or may certainly breath a sigh of discomfort. After all, according to most rational and well-established…

The New Challenge Indore Has Tasked Itself With!

There are some cities in India that are loved for being green. They bring forth the element of cleanliness, which is such a key requirement for any huge urban space with India having plenty of large urban cities. Then, there…

What’s The Current Status Of COVID Cases In India?

After several of India’s states went into a state of lockdown for a period of no fewer than a fortnight to a month, it was expected that things would improve, at least, somewhat for the month of April, in particular,…

Delhi, Once Again, Defies Social Distancing, With Several Found Flouting Norms!

Let’s talk of facts first. They are called norms for the simple reason that norms are to be respected and adhered to, and are meant to be clearly followed for they are about practicing a certain kind of abstinence from…

Is Anti-Semitism Rising In London?

It is one of the oldest forms of hatred in the world. It is one of those forms of hatred that perhaps for some strangely inexplicable reason refuses to fade away or die out in permanence. It’s struck a particular…

Ikea Fined $1.3 Million Over Spying In France?

Ikea sells furniture- and heaps of it- but is it true that in France, Ikea was spying? In major international news, Swedish furniture retail giant Ikea has been charged with allegations of spying in France. And not only that, the…

There’s Been A Rise In Far Right Extremists As Seen In Germany Last Year!

The Nazis have left the earth a long long time ago. There’s hardly a chance that a surviving member of the dreadful Nazi party is active anywhere around, even as we’ve seen, time and again surviving members of the prison…

Ramaphosa Shares His Version On South Africa’s Unemployment Problem!

One of the great troubles of the modern world in any country, whether developed or developing is the problem surrounding unemployment. Especially in that part of the 21st century where mankind has relegated machine to do the better part of…

White Rhinoceros Travels To Japan Seeking Love!

Why not talk about love? Rather, some rhino love, truth be told. At a time where our focus incessantly seems to rest with inspiring love stories from all around the world that sway our hearts, whether true accounts from the…

A South African Woman Who Gave Birth To 10 Babies Leaves Authorities Investigating Whether This Happened For Real?

At a time where the South African cricket team is making vibrant news away from the Madiba-land, hammering the West Indies who never perhaps suspected being hit below the belt so painfully, here’s a South African woman that’s also making…

Angela Merkel’s Warning To Germans: COVID Hasn’t Vanished, So Don’t Take It Easy!

Long before things took a downward spiral where Germany’s COVID 19 cases were concerned, fears were rife about what might happen and the air in the country was filled with a vibe of tension and grief. But now, months after…

Here’s What Famous Leggie Imran Tahir Had To Say About Pakistan Cricket!

There are spinners, there are leg spinners, and then there’s a certain Imran Tahir. Born in Pakistan but having played for South Africa did little to curtail his worldwide fame. For he was a bowler much liked for his spirited…

Singapore Goes Big On Green Investments! So What’s On The Cards?

At a time where much of the world faces the imminent threat of climate change, several countries are gearing up to face the great nadir of our times. Then whether it comes down to reducing one’s overall dependence on non-renewable…