Why not talk about love? Rather, some rhino love, truth be told. At a time where our focus incessantly seems to rest with inspiring love stories from all around the world that sway our hearts, whether true accounts from the days of the great war, listening to our grandparents’ heydays, watching romantic movies, could it be that we’re all forgetting that animals too need love and desire finding their soulmates?
Just how underrated a fact of life is that- ever thought on those lines?
We, the humans are on the advantageous side of things given that we can talk openly, express ourselves in more ways than one and given that social media communication is at an all-time high, there is simply no holding back nowdays.
But what about the voiceless?
Unless we happen to ignore, there are animals on this planet that may not be able to find their true love, unless us social-media obsessed, tech-junkies, gadget-freaks intervened and spared a thought or two about playing a part in their love story.
So let’s talk of Emma, a rhino who is currently busy preparing for her trip to one of the principal destinations of the far east where she hopes to find true love. Confused as to what this is all about and where’s this thing even going?
Emma, the white rhino, currently based in Taiwan has already arrived at Japan in her true quest to find love.
Emma hasn’t mated but now desires to. And among the first things she did soon upon arriving in Japan was to base herself at the famous Tobu zoo. Not too hard to find true love or a moving object of affection, as one might call it, at the zoo, the white rhino was placed along with Moran, a 10-year-old suitor.

As a matter of fact, it could be said, that Emma, the white rhino did get lucky after all, as she was picked out of a group of 23 to be sent to Japan. And uncanny as it may sound, her selection was down to her ‘mild personality.’
The staff operating at the zoo have noted her penchant to stay off fights and remain peaceful. Though, on the outline of finding love, one of the prime reasons for basing Emma in the zoo is an increased effort by authorities to encourage breeding of the white rhinos, here in Asia.
Among the animals worst hit by instances of poaching, the white rhino continues to suffer from a depletion of population, a situation that must be addressed with immediate ease. Such efforts, though, are a welcome respite for a creature both captivating and regal.
Here’s information that confirms the precarious situation the white rhino finds itself in today’s world where although there are garrulous lectures on animal rights but little effective action:
The white rhino is classified as Near Threatened, according to organisation the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) with around 18,000 left in the wild, said the group.
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With just 19,000 left in the world, in totality, including zoological gardens around the world, it could be said in no uncertain terms that white rhinos like Emma simply got lucky for having found regular and extensive care.
One of the staff at the Japanese zoo exclaimed, “We slowly opened the shipping container which was placed in front of her sleeping room. Emma, without showing any signs of shyness, went straight into the sleeping room.”