While Russia hasn’t really reacted at the moment regarding a sudden occurrence in Germany, which made an arrest of a man allegedly spying for Moscow, it can be said with certain, there’s only reason why governments keep quiet when arrests of such nature are made. And it’s that countries, purely out of guilt, not on the lack of it, do not want to come out with an official statement. Though truth really is that back in Germany, a man was arrested on the charges of spying for Moscow, a person, thus far, identified only as Ilnur N.
What’s known is that this person, supposedly working in the capacity of a scientist, was actually working for a Russian intelligence agency whilst operating in full capacity in Germany.
But what might seem like a normal occurrence, since espionage and intelligence operations happen all the time and are but common even in the 21st century, this particular incident stands the risk of damaging ties between the two countries.
The arrest of the man spying for Moscow now stands to render a damaging blow between the bi-lateral ties existing between Germany and Russia.

The man alleged for spying for Moscow, as it turns out, may have been passing over sensitive German information over to Russia since October 2020. That alone can offer the lengths to which a damaging blow has been rendered to Germany.
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As a matter of fact, the man in the centre of the storm, has actually met a member of the Russian intelligence fraternity on as many as three occasions from the onset of October 2020 until this date.
Hired in the capacity of a research assistant at a natural sciences and technology department at an unnamed German university, not an awful lot of information has been furnished in the public domain regarding the man believed to be spying for Moscow.
He is, though, suspected to have received huge sums of cash in exchange of information vital for Germany and its domestic as well as international matters.
Furthermore, the following is what a report published on Times Now news network happened to highlight on the developing story which has stunned one and all across Deutchland:
However Moscow is at loggerheads with a number of Western capitals after a Russian troop build-up on Ukraine’s borders and a series of espionage scandals that have resulted in diplomatic expulsions.
Italy this month said it had created a national cybersecurity agency following warnings by Prime Minister Mario Draghi that Europe needed to protect itself from Russian “interference”.
The move came after an Italian navy captain was caught red-handed by police while selling confidential military documents from his computer to a Russian embassy official.
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The leaders of nine eastern European nations last month condemned what they termed Russian “aggressive acts” citing operations in Ukraine and “sabotage” allegedly targeted at the Czech Republic.
Meanwhile, what may not be denied exactly is the fact that Germany might have rubbed Russia the wrong way by stepping in to support and aid the Russian critic Navalny, who’s forever been vocal about his views on Putin and a chosen few who, according to him, run Russia much like a cohort of thugs and men sworn to dictate!
But is that the only reason that led to such an incident. Maybe the days to come can reveal a lot more.