Back in the days of the great war, one that wrecked the world splitting it into two parts, one belonging to the evil Axis powers and the other, to the brave Allied forces, Germany was, without a doubt, the most wretched power and the epicentre of the devastation. Under Hitler’s rule, what had been an honourable nation, devoted to values of the Fatherland, became a power sworn to control and dominate the world. Hence, the idea of the Third Reich- which ultimately proved to be nothing more than a sand castle. But what formed an implicit feature of the then German army- the Wehrmacht- was that it was open to only the true-blue Germans, without there being any place whatsoever for the Jews.
Of course, how could a country so blinded by the propagated “Aryan prophecy” accommodate a space to the very element it considered wretched evil?
“Sag Nein Zu Juden,” or say no to the Jews was the very mantra of a propaganda-driven, sworn-to-destruct German ideology whose middle name was merciless ethnic cleansing of Europe’s Jewry. But nine decades later, a Rabbi, a proper, pious Jewish man by the name of Rabbi Zsolt Balla is all set to join the very army where once there was no place for a Jew.
If that’s not an incredible piece of development, then what is, albeit this being a piece of news which would make Adolf Hilter turn inside his grave!
Make no mistake about the fact that it was back in 1930s when Hitler dismissed all Jews from serving Deutschland in the Wehrmacht. Of course, 90 years later, a lot has changed.

Rabbi Zsolt Balla has already amassed a massive online following thanks to conducting online prayer services. A simpleton with far from any suspicious track record, the German Army will have amongst its ranks a Rabbi, something truly unimaginable in the 20th century.
That being said, here is what CNN had to say about the development that’s making news not only in Germany but in the whole of Europe:
A rabbi proudly joining the German army eight decades after the Nazis orchestrated the Holocaust is a hugely symbolic moment for the Jewish community.Balla will be sworn in at a synagogue in Leipzig, eastern Germany, on Monday; officials hope his appointment will highlight the open and diverse face of the country’s modern-day armed forces, the Bundeswehr.But it comes against the backdrop of a series of far-right extremist scandals within the German military and police in recent years, and amid rising levels of anti-Semitism across the country.Last year the military’s elite commando force — known as KSK — was partially disbanded after a report found far-right extremism within its ranks, though Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer announced on Tuesday that the reformed unit will continue, despite calls for its dissolution.
Also Read: There’s Been A Rise In Far Right Extremists As Seen In Germany Last Year!
That being told, what’s rather interesting is to note the fact that Adolf Hitler, who himself served in the First World War, was completely aware of the fact that the Jews had been fully dedicated to serving the country, there being plenty of records of even Catholic and Protestant Clergymen serving what is now called the Bundeswehr.
Gladly, times have changed and, at least, in Germany, there’s no dictatorship that promotes values based on whims and racial segregation anymore!