Which Professions Have the Highest Risk of Diabetes?

It is widely known that personal lifestyle plays an important role in the development of type 2 diabetes. But the choice of the profession also seems to influence the risk of diabetes. It is proven by a study conducted in…

How Long Can a Person Survive Without Food?

People have to eat and drink to stay alive. While some people stay alive to eat and drink, others survive without eating anything for days. Without water, you die after a few days, but how long can a person survive…

5 Best Food For Children’s Growth

When we talk about ‘growing’ children we are usually referring to the age group of 2-12 years. This is the time when a child grows fast and need the right type of food to match his energy and nutrition requirements.…

Benefits of Vitamin D for Your Health

In 1840, a Polish physician discovered that the industrial centre of Warsaw reported a higher rate of rickets than those living in the countryside. This led to the acknowledgement of the existence of Vitamin D. Sunlight; especially the UVB rays…

The Best Massager for your Back, Neck, and Foot Pain.

If your back, neck, or other parts of your body hurt, sometimes only a massage helps. If it is not possible to go to the massage therapist and no partner is available, massage devices can help. These are undoubtedly the…

When are Moles Dangerous?

Some adorn moles, others find it rather unattractive. At least most spots on the skin are not dangerous. But some of them can be a sign of a bigger disease. That is why the search for the ugly mole is…

How to Avoid Consuming Refined Sugar?

Most of us start our day with cereal followed by coffee and a bagel. Soda with our meals and cookies and cakes to snack on is the usual thing to do. We consume a lot of sugar without even registering…

Causes, Symptoms And Home remedies for Low blood pressure – Hypotension

Especially at high temperatures, high humidity, or generally when the weather changes, many people suffer from hypotension. In contrast to hypertension I.e. high blood pressure, which is a risk to the body, low blood pressure alone is mostly harmless unless…

What is Umbilical Cord Blood and Why Does Every Parent Want it Stored? Let’s Find Out

In the past decade, the process to store umbilical cord blood has been consistently advertised. As a result, every expecting parent is eager to store the cord blood for securing a healthy future for their child. However, there are many…

These Home Remedies For Constipation Will Help You Ease Your Bowel Movement

There are just a couple of little things which make for a great start to a lovely day and a satisfying bowel movement may just top that list. Imagine driving to school or work without taking the daily dump. Frustrating,…

How to Understand The Abbreviation Like CBC, TLC in The Blood Test Report? What do They Mean? Let’s Find Out

Various abbreviations and numbers can be found on the result of a blood test like TLC, HDL, LDL. However, the meaning of these abbreviations and values is not entirely clear to many people. Let us help you understand the abbreviations…

Are some Blood types particularly susceptible to Coronavirus?

Are some blood types particularly susceptible to coronavirus? Research conducted in both Germany and Norway has examined blood groups for the risk of a severe course of the disease and found large differences in susceptibility to coronavirus. It has long…

Does Drinking Milk at Night Really help you Sleep?

People often have trouble sleeping and stay in bed without sleep till late hours. To sleep, some trust abstinence from alcohol and phone, others trust a glassful of milk to fall asleep quickly. It is like a tradition in India.…

Best Home Remedies For Back Pain If Work From Home Is Taking A Toll On Your Back

A vast majority of this world is currently working from home and unlike our offices, we don’t have a particular work desk setup which is taking a direct toll on our body. Most of us have officially given up on…

What Are The Symptoms Of Heart Disease?

Those who think of heart problems usually have shortness of breath and chest pain in mind as primary symptoms of heart disease. But looking for these warning signs might be too late for you to react as these symptoms only…

What Are The Benefits Of Omega 3?

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the essential fats, which means that we have to consume Omega-3 fatty acids with food because our body cannot produce them ourselves. Let’s find out the benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids. What and…

What Are Nutrients? Functions of Nutrients in our Body.

In order to stay healthy and fit, the body has to absorb many different nutrients through daily food. The most important are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. But there are numerous other substances that the body needs for essential processes such…

What is an Anxiety Disorder? What Are The Symptoms Of Anxiety? Let’s find out.

Whether it is fear of spiders or crowds, an anxiety disorder can be very stressful. The best way to overcome fear is not to curb it but to face it. An appropriate therapy can often be used to manage an…

The Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

There are a variety of ways you can use apple cider vinegar to make your everyday life and life healthier. It is not only a well-tried but unfortunately underestimated superfood, but also a natural remedy. Let’s discuss the health benefits…

How is Honey Made? What Are The Benefits Of Honey? Let’s find out.

In ancient Egypt, honey was an elitist food and was also called the food of the gods. Its healing properties were later recognized and successfully applied in many areas. But how is honey made and what are the benefits of…

What are Antioxidants? What are the Foods with Antioxidants? Let’s find out.

Antioxidants are said to protect us from harmful influences such as UV rays and are often referred to as a wonder weapon against skin ageing and diseases such as cancer. We will explain what antioxidants are and list the foods…

What are the Symptoms of Asthma? What is the Cause of the Breathing Problem? Let’s Find Out

Stiff chest, pain behind the sternum and irritable cough is often the beginning of an asthma attack. People initially disregard the early symptoms of asthma as being a little under the weather. But what Are The Symptoms Of Asthma that…

What Are The Symptoms Of Throat Cancer? How is throat cancer treated? Let’s Find out.

Cancer is a disease in which an uncontrolled proliferation of degenerated cells destroys healthy tissue. Cancer is the leading cause of death after cardiovascular disease. Throat cancer is the most common of all Cancers. Let’s find out What Are The…

Why Exercise is Important for the Body? How Does it Impact the Body and Life?

With regular training, you not only keep your body active and fit, but you also prevent cardiovascular and back problems and also strengthen your general well-being. We can only go on to tell you many other reasons why exercise is…

What Causes Loose Motions?

Loose motions or diarrhea is not a disease, but a symptom. It can have many different causes and is one of the most common health disorders. If you suffer from diarrhea, you are not alone because every third adult suffers…