Akash Saini
Akash Saini
596 Articles0 Comments

Quick and Easy Banana Cake Recipe

Everyone likes this banana cake recipe that has what it takes to be a favorite cake for the whole family. If you are looking for a cake with few ingredients, a simple banana cake is the best you can bake…

The Best And Easiest Cheesecake Recipe

Would you like a piece of the best cheesecake in the world? We bring to you a simple cheesecake recipe, with shortcrust pastry and velvety curd cream that is completely out of this world. The texture of a well-baked cheesecake…

The Best And Easiest Apple Jam Recipe

The apple is an all-rounder, as it is particularly rich in vitamins and is available all year round. Apple in baking is used as jelly, for cakes, tarts, and as the main ingredient for Apple jams. They also contain plenty…

How To Make Pancakes – Perfect Basic Recipe

Everyone loves pancakes. The aroma, flavor, and texture of a pancake are incredible. Pancake is not at all difficult to make. The pancake batter’s basic recipe can be varied with many ingredients and tastes sweet and hearty. We bring you…

How To Delete a Friend On Facebook?

Despite the 2.45 Billion users of Facebook, it is not completely user-friendly. Or to put it in a better way, there is so much functionality in Facebook that, it sometimes is not easy to find some of the easiest things…

How To Wake Up Early In The Morning

These instructions will help you with how to wake up early and avoid oversleeping in the morning. Many people have serious difficulties getting up in time. People are unable or unwilling to fall asleep and then don’t get out of…

How to Boil Eggs Properly?

What do we do wrong? How to boil eggs, is supposed to be the simplest task of all. It does not need creativity, problem-solving abilities or difficult decision making and certainly does not need anything more than a pot and…

Do Muscles have to Burn to Grow?

All of the 639 muscles in the human body can be trained. This is basically correct for almost all muscles. However, it is not possible to train every single muscle because there is an interaction of many different muscles with…

Is Sleeping over Belly Unhealthy and Dangerous?

For most people, yes. Many people only take up this sleeping position because they lie on a mattress that is too hard and want to avoid back and shoulder pain. If you lie on mattresses that are too soft, you…

How are Viruses Different from Bacteria?

Viruses are parasites that are about a hundred times smaller than bacteria. Therefore, they can only be detected using the electron microscope. Viruses are not living beings, but mobile particles that cells need to be able to reproduce. Viruses are…

How are Fruits different from Vegetables?

Clarifying the question of the difference between fruit or vegetables is not that easy. To date, even food scientists have not found a clear definition of the difference between fruits and vegetables. But we will give it a try. The…

Will We Travel Through Space in the Future?

For every space exploration program, there are two things that are necessary. The financial help and a strong will to accomplish space travel. Unfortunately, according to a few scientists, it does not appear that in the near future it will…

What Happens To Bullets After Gun Salutes?

Gunfire is a military tradition that is prevalent in many countries. Shooting is not only for state visits, in honor of the deceased or on the birthday of the ruler in monarchies. You can also witness aerial shots at the…

How Would We Die In Space?

What Happens To Humans When We Are Defenselessly Exposed To The Emptiness Of Space? You don’t need a lot of imagination to answer this question. You are exposed to a considerable reduction in pressure in space. And everything that is…

Why Do We Forget Things When Needed The Most?

We all know about memory dropouts of this kind. They occur every now and then and sometimes in the most inappropriate moments. An explanation for this should be easy, after all it is a widespread phenomenon. But when it comes…

Where Does The Sun Get Its Energy From?

It was the German physicist Hermann Helmholtz and the British physicist William Thompson, better known as Lord Kelvin, who came up with a new idea. They assumed that the sun received its energy from the fact that it kept contracting.…

Why Do Our Eyes Close When We Sneeze?

Our eyes close involuntarily when we sneeze. This is a completely natural reflex that is related to certain nerve connections. The old popular belief that when we sneeze we close our eyes so that they don’t fall out is wrong.…

Is Sugar Addictive? Truth About Sugar Addiction

In 2008, researchers at Princeton University in the United States conducted an experiment with rats. For weeks they only kept the animals hungry for twelve hours before offering them a sugar solution. The rats were wild for this meal. They…

Do Plants Feel Pain?

Plants can perceive numerous environmental influences and react to them in many different ways. For this, they have numerous and highly sensitive systems for perception. Plants certainly have strategies to deal with injuries and other damaging environmental factors. For example,…

Why Do We Use Silica Gel Bags?

Everyone knows the little bags with Silica Gel printer on it that are included with many new items. It says what’s inside is silica or silica gel, drying agent. But what is it and why do items have to be…

Is Solid Soap Hygienic?

The sustainability debate is changing the consumption behavior of people. Avoiding garbage, especially plastic, is becoming increasingly important. It also explains why the soap bar is enjoying this newly added popularity. The use of the classic soap bar prevents microplastics…

Are We Made Of Stardust?

Living beings are made of mainly water, proteins, fats and minerals. These ingredients are composed of various elements. Oxygen makes up the majority of our weight (more than half), followed by carbon. There is also a large amount of hydrogen…

Why Do We Get Goosebumps?

People can get goosebumps almost all over their bodies in an emotional moment or cold stimulus. Tiny muscles in our skin called hair follicle muscles contract. This affects a hair follicle to which the root of a hair is attached.…

Do we Imagine Pain when there is no cause of Pain?

There have been cases where people have reported sharp pain in certain parts of the body but the doctors found no abnormality to justify the pain. The doctors suggested painkillers anyway and everything became normal in a few hours till…

Why Don’t We Find Aliens? Where are they?

Every year, the earth is visited by the aliens, but only on the big screen. Humanity seems fascinated by the aliens. But in reality there is unfortunately nothing about aliens we have seen anywhere. Humans have made several attempts to…