Dozens fall sick at birthday party in Charlotte after it was found food was contaminated with faeces

A birthday party, for all intents and purposes, is amongst the brightest celebrations anyone can ever have. Dozens of good wishes, tons of smiles, people turning up with bright presents and heartening smiles amid a party atmosphere at the backdrop-…

Did you know: A number of benefits begin transforming the body in an hour of leaving alcohol?

If cancer is the emperor of all maladies, then the alcohol is crown of thorns one willingly wears around the head, only to cause self-inflicting pain. What starts as a drink for a change, leading to a window of recreation…

Is Black Tea helpful for hair health? Can it turn grey hair to black?

The love for a hot beverage continues to stay divided or polarised between tea and coffee. Those who relish a strong caffeine shot early in the day will never leave their homes without a hot cup of coffee. That’s regardless…

India seriously loves potatoes! A new study points to a serious number

Of all the things that one finds in a country revered for culture and colour- it’s potatoes that happen to be a huge crush of India. Believe it or not, a new study points to a rather serious number that…

7 Interesting Places For Breakfast In Delhi That Are Unmistakably Everyone’s favourite

The classic saying goes, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and, dinner like a pauper. You may have heard this one. Have you? But whether you have or haven’t, what matters most is to begin your day…

Forget Quinoa and other healthy options, Farro is here to stay

We are all witnessing a food revolution of sorts. There are more conscious eaters or consumers of food today than there ever were. There’s such an importance attributed to food today that it almost seems in the decades before, food…

Where can you gorge on the best biryani in Delhi

Today, when we hear or say something in relevance to food, it doesn’t mean some normal, simple meal lying obscurely in one’s dining hall or kitchen. Food’s, over the course of the last decade and a half, risen tremendously to…

Punch the habit of non-stop munching: 5 easy steps to ensure you make healthy food choices

The choice is always on our hands: whether to eat to live or to live for eating. But more often than not, when it comes to the latter, one’s got to be mindful as there stands a great risk of…

Here’s the king of bizarre among all bizarre food trends: cow intestines! You haven’t puke yet?

The world’s crazy about food, understandably so. Without trends and a bit of experimentation, there would be nothing in it, truth be told. And who doesn’t want creativity to be infused in our food? Without it, things would be slightly…

Inexplicable craving: The real reason behind many hunger pangs you have revealed

Almost all of us have dealt with some form of a hunger pang. A hunger pang is that feeling defined by some weirdly inexplicable desire for some food. In simple words, it could be said that a hunger pang is…

Do Almonds only help in improving memory?

“Why don’t you eat almonds? In fact, take a little bit more than the usual sum you eat. Eating almonds is a healthy thing to do, make sure to intake more and more of almonds every now and again. Oh wait, did…

Craving for butter chicken in Delhi? Head to these lip-tingling outlets to savour your favourite meal

Chances are, if you ever wished to check the mental strength of a non-vegetarian food lover, then you may want to tie her or his hands and place a plate of delightful, freshly prepared butter chicken in front of the…

A novel new creation, Donug combines yumminess of chicken nugget and delight of a donut

A lot of happiness in our lives stems from the taste- does it not? The taste or the wholesome goodness of having a bite at our favourite meals. A great meal prepared by a mother’s nuanced kitchen-talent. The grandmother’s delightful…

Where can you get the best possible Kulfi in Delhi? 6 places to relish the mouth-watering delight!

Whether you are a kid, a grown-up, a first-time couple or a happily married individual wishing to surprise his better half with a scrumptious dessert, the need to bite into a kulfi is sacrosanct. To state that it’s unanimously loved by…

Which are the 5 Best Chinese Restaurants in New Delhi?

Forget the slurpy oyster, let go of the delectable and smouldering hot Pasta or Ravioli and ignore the natural penchant for Thai or Lebanese fancies. Let’s resort to a cuisine of novelty that’s always been there when most other cuisines…

With Tons of Benefits in Jeera Water, is it Time to Start Consuming Jeera Water Regularly?

Summers are here. They are boiling down. They are falling down on us like carnivorous rain. They are compelling us to take care of our health. Drink lots and lots of water- is the common byword you are being told. At…

McDonald’s leads massive change where plastic consumption stands, bans plastic straws across UK

The taste of the burger, the feel of a happy go lucky eatery, the sheer comfort and ease of being who you are, being dressed howsoever and getting a munchy bite at around any hour of the day- few other…

Europe’s first underwater restaurant is to open soon in Norway

Norway is soon going to be the only country in the whole of Europe to have an underwater restaurant. This is not only an exciting piece of news but also one that is set to hit a rare achievement, that…

Why is Tikkawala, the latest gluttonous offering at Chicago, making news?

Replete with sprawling infrastructure, tall, lanky buildings and a history bustling with urban development spanning decades, Chicago at first may seem like a delight for anyone interested in the corporate world. A beautiful skyline dominated by myriad commercial highs and…

Kellogg’s, amid massive concerns recalls famous cereal brand Honey Smacks

If you were a trader or dealing with any stock at the famous New York Stock Exchange, then you would find that the price of a single stock of Kellogg’s is worth $66.6 dollars. It’s the standard imprint of an…

Is this the Most Uncanny Albeit Trendy Restaurant in Manilla? Dine at Van Gogh is Bipolar to Know More!

Just how do you converge art and food or make it come together? Is there a commonality between a paintbrush and some wheat? Can sugar or maple syrup ever meet the world where masterstrokes and pixels exist? What possibly common…

Is Iced Tea Really Good for you? Ever Thought about that?

For most people in the world, even in an age where coffee is constantly ruling out, edging past use of other milk-based beverages, tea is the most loved habit. To some, it may not be wrong to quote, is an…

Sexist Lager: Why on Earth was a Sexist Campaign Launched by South African Beer Company

The froth, the lager, the taste-often oscillating between delicious, palpable and bitter- how much of a delight does a beer hold to you? The near-perfect drink for all occasions, except for when one’s not experiencing the pink of health- a…

Cancer-Experts Suggest that no Amount of Alcohol, Sausage or Bacon is Safe!

Processed foods or no processed foods- the risk, according to the leading food experts, is always there for cancer. This is, of course, no ordinary health impairment. Cancer is, as everyone says and believes, the real malady of our times…

Taste Without a Haste! Easy and Delightful Ways to add Pomegranate to your Diet

If you actually thought about it then you’d realise that hardly there goes a day when we are not indirectly or directly engaged with junk food. At the one hand is junk food- somehow, a constant companion to our lives.…