It takes a lifetime to build something that ‘could’ last. But it takes seconds to while away an opportunity to build that, that can give back to the ecosphere we occupy. It took Pravaig- the stylish new way in which…
Search Results For: pravaig
Pravaig Dynamics: Has The Future Arrived Today For India?
Businesses, regardless of nature of industry, thrive on one particular thing: a game-changing idea. Isn’t that what all seek? Time and again, we search something definitive, something that can become the order of the day. And few realms other than…
Pravaig Dynamics Extinction MK1: An All-Encompassing Fully-Electric EV For India’s Self-Reliant Future
Wherever you look, whatever you see, you’ll find that change is the only constant. Change is the defining factor that governs everything in life. Can’t be truer for the sphere of an automobile, even more so than the times India…
India’s Next Wave Of Electric Car Revolution Is All-Set To Flow From Bangalore. Know About Pravaig!
Perhaps of the many statements you may have chanced upon in the framework of the automobile industry (especially in India), the following would ring most attention: “The Future of the Automobile is All-electric!” This has been a recurring theme whenever…
Why Has Ola Along With Okinawa and Pure EV, Recalled Over 6,600 Units?
Usually speaking, the EV space, regardless of whether in a fully developed nation or a developing one, is marked by unsullied excitement and great anticipation. And truth be told, there is not an awful big reason to be surprised by…
Lucid Cars To Have Even Higher Range Than That Of Tesla?
It is a start-up based in the United States that’s creating incredible news around the world. It’s a visionary idea that, truth be told, is more than just some excellent brand; its reach is going to turn the world into…
Ola Is Coming Up With An Electric Scooter! Here’s What You Need To Know.
Even as it may not have reached the dealerships and outlets out there and may still very much be in the development stage, Ola’s electric scooter has already gained much traction and has created an imprint of curiosity in the…
MP, A BJP-Governed State, Bats For Anti-Conversion Law. Here’s What You Need To Know About It And Many More Things!
In a country where being a Muslim can either liken you to extreme or – let’s put it mildly- polarising assessment, and can, at the same time, make you resemble that thing called ‘vote bank,’ how interesting is the stand…
Yet Another Massive Step Toward An Electric Vehicle-Powered Future For India!
One of the most talked about electric mobility companies in India at the moment, E-Trio has successfully raised a sum of INR 22 crore in a latest round from a set of high net worth individuals reportedly based out of…
A Flying car For Real? Solid Claims Made By A Japanese Company.
The Japanese are the brains and guts behind the world’s largest corporate company until some months ago, Toyota. They have also contributed enormously toward the concept of producing powerful and handy engines, seldom running into technical malfunction. Honda is today…
New Age Cars: Do Modern Cars Age Faster?
The innovation cycle in the auto industry is getting shorter and shorter. Our cars therefore also seem to age faster. That may be the reason why some auto giants have succumbed to the growing modernization in the industry and new…
How to Store the Mask in a Car and How to Disinfect the Car Properly? Let’s Find Out
All of us have to wear a mask all the time when outside. Drivers should also always have a corona mask with them. It is crucial to carry the mask but wearing it in the car may restrict vision. But…