How to Remove the Smell From the Dustbin and How to Keep the Trash Can Smell-Free?

The higher the temperatures rise, the more unpleasant the smell of the waste bins becomes. This is especially true for the organic waste bin. Even a smelly trash can inside quickly spreads its stench throughout the apartment. The unpleasant smell…

The Five-Point Plan For an Organized Tidy Home

Even those who make an effort to keep their home tidy are faced with the same problem from time to time. They are often seen asking ‘How to organize home’, ‘Where are the policy papers, light bulbs, and especially the…

How to Remove Cigarette Smell From the Car?

The smell of cigarettes is difficult to remove from the car and the nicotine stench lingers for a long time, especially in smokers’ cars. In addition to the unsightly yellow discoloration on the inner ceiling, the toxic muff is stuck…

Konmari: The New Age Magic Home Cleaning and Organization Method

‘Never live in disarray again’ is what Marie Kondo promises with her Konmari organization method, which she also presents on Netflix. It takes home cleaning and organization strategy to a next but easier level. What you have to consider when…

Reducing the Risk of Infection – How to Keep Indoors Corona-Free?

The life as we knew before the corona outbreak is returning but it might present a higher risk of infection as most houses and office buildings are enclosed because of the air conditioning. If there is someone inside who is…

Fogged Windows – This is How You Can Get a Clear View

When driving in winters or on a rainy day, you may come up with an issue of the car windows turning hazy. You first try everything with the air conditioner and then lastly open the window a little to get…

How to Clean Gold Jewelry: 5 Easy & Efficient Ways to Clean Jewelry at Home

We Indians love gold. We love to wear it, we love to buy it, we love to gift it but more than anything, we love to collect hoards of it as a means of investment or future functions to wear…