‘Never live in disarray again’ is what Marie Kondo promises with her Konmari organization method, which she also presents on Netflix. It takes home cleaning and organization strategy to a next but easier level. What you have to consider when doing magic Konmari cleaning.

Everyone likes it neat and clean but nobody likes to tidy up. This paradox has now come to an end through the Konmari method. The Japanese organizing consultant and now a celebrity, Marie Kondo, promises with her method that you will never sink into chaos again. How does the Konmari method work and what exactly do you need to pay attention to? Let’s find out.
Who is Marie Kondo?
The Japanese Marie Kondo is a cleaning and tidying expert who gives seminars on the topic and has written four books about the Konmari tidying up method that she developed. Her series ‘Cleaning up with Marie Kondo’ has been available on Netflix since January 1, 2019. In it, she accompanies American families in clearing out their houses and apartments.
What is the Konmari Method?
Marie Kondo designed the method named after her (KON do MARI e) so that you can clean up in one go, in a short time and perfectly and never again afterwards. Your property is divided into categories and checked to see whether it gives you pleasure after cleaning.
The five categories of the Konmari method
According to Marie Kondo, the best way to clear out your possessions is to go through them in a specific order:
1.Clothes, bags, and shoes,
2. Books,
3. Documents and documents,
4. Remaining odds and ends such as household appliances and Memorabilia.

The order is extremely important according to Marie Kondo because when you work your way from clothing to memorabilia, only then do you associate with important experiences.
1st step: All In One Place
In the first step of the Konmari Method, you pull out all the things in a particular category. In the case of clothing, for example, this means that you take all the clothes out of all cupboards and rooms and put them in a pile.
The goal of piling is so that you get an overview of your possessions. This step also shows you how much possessions have accumulated over the years.
Step 2: The question of luck
When you see all the pieces in a category, pick each one up and ask yourself, ‘Do I enjoy this possession?’ Any item that does not get a clear yes to this question shall be donated or disposed of.
3. Store and fold correctly
All items that you keep are assigned a permanent place in your home. In this way, you can be sure that your apartment always stays tidy and tidy, because, after each use, the item comes back into its place.
Marie Kondo has a special tip for clothing. Fold T-shirts and trousers so that they are in their drawers. On the one hand, you can see at a glance which items of clothing you own. Second, you avoid creating clutter in your closets when looking for a specific piece of clothing.

How the Konmari Method has long-term success
Just like a diet program, the Konmari Method only works if you stick to it over the long term and change your habits. After you’ve cleaned your home of unnecessary things, you should only have the things around you that you enjoy.
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So that Marie Kondo’s promise comes true and you never live in disarray again, you must continue to shop like this in the future by Only letting things into your life that you enjoy.