They say that first impressions are made by the shoes you wear. I say beauty is skin deep and therefore first impressions are not only about your shoes but also what they are trying to protect or hide. Our feet carry us around all day and they need all the care and attention we can pay as a lot of wear and tear and no healing routine will cause your heels and the whole sole of your feet to literally crack under pressure. No one wants ugly feet, especially not in beach season. If at you suffer from slightly or chronically cracked heels, please spare five minutes to read through the home remedies for cracked heels we are listing here. We hope this article helps you or someone you know ends your cracked heels woes.

Regular Home Pedicures – Home Remedies for Cracked Heels
There is no fuss about this one. Simply soak your feet in lukewarm water for 10 – 15 minutes, scrub your soles and heels with a loofah or pumice stone. Wash, pat dry and moisturize with your favorite type of oil, cream or ointment.
Moisturization – DIY Moisturiser For Feet
Stubborn cracked heels require heavy moisturization, specifically at night so that they leave a maximum effect. You must remember to wash any remains of such moisturization off your feet before heading out in the morning. Without that dust will stick to your heels and make them even more prone to becoming dry and cracked.

Petroleum jelly and a mixture of equal parts paraffin, glycerin and coconut oil are the two best moisturizers for cracked heels.
Cover Up
If you have majorly cracked heels or fissures, you should wear season suitable socks at all times. This will not less moisture escape and also stop dust from sticking on to your feet.
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Special Foot Crèmes – Home Remedies for Cracked Heels
Apart from OTC foot creams, some medically certified foot crèmes are also made by a few speciality cosmetic brands. These are an easy substitute for other moisturizers you may use at home and are also very effective in treating cracked heels.
Spa Therapy
If you are one of those lazy ones who can’t do all this on their own, your best shot is at enjoying a relaxing foot spa at the end of a busy work week. When taken regularly (at least once in 21 days) these therapies give you baby soft skin and the added benefit of celebrity like nails.

At the spa or salon, you can choose from a variety of therapies involving wax and wraps and other kinds of scrubs and packs to achieve the desired result as per your skin condition.
Special Footwear
Some companies claim to manufacture slippers which cushion the heels well and thus prevent cracks. In addition to this, there are now silicone heels and socks available which can be discreetly worn under your normal shoes to silently work on your cracked heels and heal them.
There is very little chance that even after using one or all of these home remedies for cracked heels, your cracked heels don’t get repaired. All these measures are non-intrusive and are superficial just like the condition they are meant to heal.
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Please share what did or did not work for you and if there is anything else your fellow readers can try.
Thank us later.
Note – this blog is not a piece of medical advice.