Why Did Tom Cruise Refuse The Iron Man Role?

Can you imagine Top Gun or the Mission Impossible Franchise minus Tom Cruise? Tom Cruise is always on the cruise mode, isn’t he? An unstoppable surface-to-air-missile personality, if there’s an actor who’s incredibly active for his movie roles and can…

Could We Soon Get To See Tom Cruise As Iron Man?

To most, the following may sound like a really weird idea and to many other, it could also seem too promising a proposal to overlook: Tom Cruise as Iron Man. While to the dismay of those fans who don’t think…

8 Of The Funniest Superheroes And Supervillains

These superheroes and supervillains know how to have fun while saving and destroying the world and there’s nothing more exciting than that. We all have seen the superheroes and villains who are an absolute badass in destroying or saving the…

“Spider-Man: Homecoming”: Sony Just Released The First 4 Minutes Clip From The Movie And We Are Going Gaga!

“Spider-Man: Homecoming” will finally be in theaters on this Friday in India but Sony wants to play the tease game as they have decided to take the level of curiosity a notch higher. These bad boys (you will know why…

Robert Downey Jr: These Top 10 Rules For Success By Robert Downey Jr. That Are Pure Gold!

Robert Downey Jr., probably one of the wittiest actors ever. Admit it or not but when he enters the big screen or at any public appearance, he has all ears and eyes just on him. Robert Downey Jr. has made our…

“Spider-Man Homecoming” Trailer: Spider-Man Emerges As A True Superhero!

“Spider-Man Homecoming” second trailer is here and looks like our Spidey is irritated to the core for being treated as a kid. Earlier, the first trailer showed us how Iron-Man finds this kid who is actually a superhero – Spider-Man,…

This Artist’s Take On Historian Art By Adding Marvel’s Toys Is Amazing AF!

Marvel Universe is a favourite of every guy and girl who are just crazy about superheroes and their enigmatic bewildering powers. We have seen the characters in movies and TV series but this artist from Barcelona gave them a whole…

‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Trailer is as Cocky as it Gets

‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ official trailer is finally here and this is exactly how a teenage superhero looks like. We first got a glimpse of the new reboot in ‘Captain America Civil War’ and what a cameo it was. Tom Holland, an…

Milind Soman: The Iron Man Of India Is Giving Us Fitness Inspiration Once Again!!

Milind Soman for sure became the new fitness icon of India, the 50-year-old handsome actor/model is possibly the fittest celebrity of our nation. People lovingly call him the ‘Ironman‘ of India and he earned the name. He completed the toughest…

“Captain America: Civil War”-This War Is Going To Be Between Ironman And Captain America.

“Captain America: Civil War” is the new upcoming release from the Marvel Universe. The second trailer of “Captain America: Civil War” is just landed and it has all kinds of WOW in it. Just imagine you are going to watch…