In earlier days, small tattoos were used to be associated with women; but with the change in time and society tattoo enthusiasm knows no bounds now. By getting it inked on your body for eternity; it is now a new way of self expression, tribute or a way to cherish a memory. Regardless of the gender, not everyone can commit to big designs and for those concept of small tattoos came in trend. Today, we’re listing down some of the most interesting and badass small tattoo ideas for men that are perfect for tattoo admirers.
So, if you are somebody who has an inclination towards tattoos and thinking of getting inked some day; we have compiled some nice ideas for your consideration that you would like to know more about.
Five Small Tattoo Ideas for Men
1. Sigil Lines- Neat Small Tattoo ideas for men

As per a saying in medieval times, people used to work around different lines and symbols to connect with higher powers to manifest their wishes for happy life, love, health, family or anything else. They were deemed to be very pious and everyone believed in the power they possessed. Now they have turned into some of the most popular tattoo ideas that you can choose to go for.
2. Glyphs

Another one of the interesting categories of tattoos that are perfect to add in the list of small tattoo ideas for men is Glyphs. Originating from Greek language, they stand for graphic symbols. Moreover, in typography Glyphs are elementary symbols within an agreed set of symbols and they are intended to represent a readable character. These symbols hold some deeper meaning and are perfect to express your desire, emotion or liking. Here are some interesting examples of glyph tattoos and their meanings that you can choose from.
3. Finger Tattoos-Small Badass Tattoos For Guys
Another good place for a small tattoo can be your fingers. However, you should know that it hurts a lot; they lose their contrast quiet early because of hand washing and need to be refilled after few years. Nonetheless, they look stunning and if done properly and taken care of properly, can remain for many years.
Also Read: Least Painful Places To Get Tattoo
4. One-word tattoos
One-word tattoos are great for anyone who believes in conciseness and doesn’t like to go all out with their creative adventures. The list of small tattoo designs for men will be incomplete without adding the one word tattoo design concept. So all you need is the special word; then just choose the typography you like and get it inked. Here are a few examples you can choose from and get a clear idea about.
5. Viking Symbols
Viking symbols are quiet popular among men and hence added to the list of small tattoo ideas for men. Post the release of renowned TV series “Vikings“, more people are developing interest in Vikings stories and hence these tattoos are gaining popularity. Much like Sigil Lines and Glyphs, these symbols stand for different things, values and faiths.
So these were some of the most interesting and creative little tattoo designs for men that you can choose from. Each of these tattoos holds some deeper meaning and that is what makes them special, hence making them a good choice to go ahead with. But, always remember to think everything through before acting upon it. Hence, don’t make a hasty decision, just for the sake of getting it done; since it will be on your body for forever.