Looking for healthy diet plan on this Navratri? Well, I have compiled this Navratri diet plan that will be suitable from both religious & health point of view.
Navratri’s are the best time to detoxifying your body as you all are spiritually motivated for doing fast. During the change of season, cosmic activity/prana shakti in the universe is the highest so we encourage to pray & lead the disciplined life.
From the first day of Navratri, everyone looks for a perfect diet plan which reduces weight as well as helps them in detox removal. Well, the given diet plan is great for those who desire two birds with one stone. Have a look on the below Navratri Diet Plan & Some tips provided by Dr. Vibha Bawa.
Important Tips while Following Navratri Diet Plan
- Keep yourself Happy & Stress-Free by doing Meditation
- Keep yourself Happy.
- Drink at least 2 Litres of Water Daily.
- Try to Drink Warm Water Full Day
- Add Coconut Water, Lemon Water & Butter Milk to maintain your Energy Level
- Avoid Packed Namkeens & Extra Salt to Avoid Water Retention
- Add lots of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables in your Diet.
- To avoid Gastric you can add Antacid tab early morning or you can have Peppermint Tea
- Weight Loss Diet Chart For Navratri
Day 1
- Early Morning Warm Water
- Fennel (Saunf water ) – Boil one-fourth spoon of Saunf in one glass of water
- Breakfast – Fruit Bowl mix
- 11 am – Milk with 5 Almonds & 2 Walnuts soaked
- 1 pm – Salad Bowl
- Lunch – Vrat Rice Pulav with Cucumber Raita
- 4 pm – Green Tea
- 5.30 pm – Normal Tea
- 7.30 – Roasted Makhane chart
- 8.30 – Milk
- Bedtime warm water
Day 2
- Morning routine same
- Breakfast – Paneer Chaat (100 gm of Paneer + Anar + Cucumber)
- Mid Meal – Green Tea
- Lunch – Fresh Vegetable Juice (Ghiya + Cucumber + Green Coriander + Ginger + Lemon + Sendha Namak)
- 4 pm – Apple
- 6.30 pm – Kuttu Roti with Curd
- 8.30 pm – Small Cup of Milk
- Bedtime Warm Water
Day 3
- Early Morning Warm Water
- Warm Water with Lemon and Pinch of Black Pepper
- Nuts Soaked Almonds and One Soaked Walnut
- Breakfast – Apple Smoothie
- Mid Meal – Cucumber
- Lunch – Sabudana Khichdi with Curd
- Evening – Tea or Milk
- Dinner – Apple Smoothie
Day 4
- Early Morning Warm Water
- Warm Water with Lemon & Pinch of Black Pepper
- Soaked Nuts
- Breakfast- Makhane & Milk
- Fruits + Milk
- Paneer Chaat
- Sweet Potato Chaat
- Midmeal Coconut Water
- Lemon Water
- Salad
- Lunch Vrat Rice Khichdhi
- Amarnath Porridge
- Kuttu Roti
- 4 pm Green Tea
- 5.30 pm Milk
- Dinner Same as Breakfast
I hope you will enjoy your meals as much as I have enjoyed while creating your diet chart for you, keeping both health & spiritualism in mind. Take time to relax & prepare for Satvik & Healthy fasting this Navratri.
Dr. Vibha Bawa
Founder of Dr. Vibha Ojas Fitness Clinic