Do you sometimes see the pictures of your friends on social media where they are having fun with their lives, they are roaming around, enjoying their lives to the fullest and you’re just sitting back at home, doing the same things like every day. Well, this is one of the most common problems which has made people hate their own lives, just because others are having fun and they are not, and as stupid as it sounds, it could lead to real stress and even depression in many people. This problem is also known as FOMO, which is short for ‘Fear Of Missing Out (Social Media)‘, and today we’ll tell you about this particular fear in detail, FOMO symptoms, and different ways to deal with it, so that you don’t have to suffer because of it.
What Is Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)?
We all know how social media has now connected the whole world. With the click of a single button, we can have a glimpse of anyone’s life in the world. As great as it has been, it has had some negative effects too.
The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), is a feeling of having been left out from others, as we see them having fun with their lives and perceive that they are living a far better life than us, which leads to creating a feeling of envy, jealousy and tends to affect our self-esteem too.
It is not only the feeling that others are doing better, it also makes us feel that we are missing out on the ‘fundamentally important’ things like they’re doing.

How Problematic Can It Be?
FOMO has existed for a very long period of time, but social media has made it rise exponentially. More than connectivity, it has become a place to brag about certain things and imparting superiority complexes in one another.
When we see others doing certain things that we are not doing, it makes us jealous of them and we feel saddened because of how our life is, and trust us this is where human psychology goes wrong.
FOMO Fear Of Missing Out Symptoms
1. You keep a check on social media and stalk almost every hour.
2. It is nearly impossible for you to keep your eyes off your phone.
3. You feel problematic when your friends do things without you.
4. You probably change your plans based on what you keep seeing.
5. Making lists of things to be done.
6. You have a clear idea of what everyone else in your circle is up to.
How To Keep Track Of FOMO Phobia?
Most of the people going through this problem have been highly active users of social media, and to cure it there are a few things that can be considered.
1. If you can’t stay away from social media, but you have a problem with people who brag too much or whom you don’t actually want to be in contact with, just block them out and remove them from your feed.
They probably won’t even notice, and you’ll feel better on your own when you don’t see such things on your feed regularly.

2. If you go to social media just for fun and no other purpose but still are facing the symptoms of fear of missing out Phobia, it’ll be better if you take a break. Uninstall these social apps, and try installing some games on your mobile phone.
You can also have a hobby for yourself like playing your favourite sport, swimming, reading, making music, etc. so that your mind stays away from negativity.
3. It is better to engage yourself actually in front of people rather than on social media. Go out, make some friends and spend time with them. You’ll feel a lot better when you have a new and positive company for yourself.
Suggested Read: The five great uses of social media that we tend to often ignore
So, this was all you need to know about Fear Of Missing Out Phobia, FOMO Symptoms, and different ways in which you can negate it from your life. It’s not a bad habit to use social media because it was invented for the better development of human beings, both socially and mentally. But, we cannot allow it to take over our mental and emotional health. Keeping a track of your mental health is very important, now more than ever. So, go out and mingle with people offline, you’ll definitely feel better.