How awkward it feels to have big boobs and perform exercises in gym. They keep juggling and grabbing attention and it gets awkward to the core. So what to do? After all, women with big boobs also need to stay in shape and just because their bazookas are a little too heavy, that doesn’t mean they should stop trying, right?
We do know that even if no one is looking, certain exercises can cause much pain in the chest, back, and neck. It’s not easy to carry that much of weight down the neck and still perform heavy cardio. But you do not have to sweat over it, we got it covered for you.
Here are some exercises that will be perfectly painless if you have big boobs.
1. Squats With Toe Raises

Instead of squat and jumps, you need to raise your toe when you return back to the starting position. It will put much stress on your calves and tighten your hip and thigh muscles.
2. Do Planks.

Yes, if your instructor is telling you to do 3 sets of mountain climbers then ask him to replace that exercise with planks. You will not have to put extra effort and your boobs will not get under any clumsy situation to pain afterward. Planks will strengthen your core without even hurting your boobs. However, if you feel uncomfortable, we suggest you take breaks frequently in between.
3. Ditch Burpees And Do Plank Walkouts.

Burpees are great but not for your melons. They are gonna make them hurt after you are done, so why to do it. Just chose to do plank walkouts, No jumping, no pain.
4. Replace Jumping Jacks With Star Squats.

Jumping jacks again have the same problem, they make your bossom jiggle so much that they create problems. So do star squats, it involves no jumping and keeps you in good shape. It has the similar effect on the whole body to jumping jacks.
5. Do Simple Side Lunges.

You think skater lunges are gonna be more helping in keeping you good shape than side lunges then you might be wrong. If done with the same intensity, side lunges too burn the same amount of fat. If you have big boobs then we suggest that you chose simple side lunges over skater lunges.
We know that we have made your life easier with these exercises. So go on and get rid of that flab without even thinking about the size of your boobs.
Avni S. Singh