Our life revolves around who we were born as and as who we are gonna die. People put all their efforts to reach somewhere in life, to become they want to be so that they can call themselves successful. Of course, everyone have their own definition of success according to which they lead to the path of achieving it or not.
While we walk forward on this path there are many things we add in our lives but a wise man once told me that it’s not necessary to know what should be added in the way of success but the most important thing is to know what shouldn’t. He explained that knowing what not to do makes this path of becoming successful easier.
So Here Are 5 Things That You Should Definitely Give Up On Your Way To Success!
1. Unhealthy Lifestyle!
If you want to be the person that your kids would admire some day and others will idealise, you need to have a balanced lifestyle. You have to take care of your health, that’s must. It may take few days but if you start now it will be done in a couple of weeks and you will be thanking yourself for doing so. Give up on unhealthy lifestyle right now!
2. Short Term Mindset Will Lead You Nowhere!
People tend to fall for the temptations of short term benefits but history states that every successful person set long-term goals in life as they know that short term aims are merely fillers to achieve greater things in life. You should embody long term goals in your life and give up on short term habits.
3. Excuses
Life has a funny way to put you in a situation where you could easily give up. Remember that you are responsible for your life so, you get to decide what happens next in your life, you could either give up on these situations or you decide to move forward. Excuses are never justified for your life. Stop relying on them and start giving your life a desired structure. No matter how was your past experience, if you start giving up excuses from now, you will understand that nothing was impossible even before.
4. Magic Doesn’t Exists!
Nothing happens overnight, it will be better if you stop feeding your mind with such things. The truth is, you become better everyday and making small continual improvement every day is what that leads you to the desirable result. No one has the shining moment all of a sudden, it always comes with a lot of preparation and working on yourself everyday.
5. Perfection
Perfection is a myth, you can always work towards it but you can’t achieve it because there will always be a room for improvement so, give up that thought of doing things in a perfect way because you will never be satisfied. No matter how much you try, it’s never gonna be perfect, chuck that fear of failure and take actions. If you keep missing out the opportunities just because you think that things aren’t as perfect as you want, it may never happen.
You can give up on all of them starting from today and it may seem harder than you can imagine right now, but remember that while it takes a bit longer to give on these things, it will guide you in the way of becoming a better you and achieving your definition of success.
11 July 2017
Avni S. Singh
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