One of the finest film festivals, widely known and respected in all of Israel and the Middle East, the Haifa Film Festival has announced its plans of going fully online in 2020. In so doing, the Haifa film festival has not less than 95 films from which to choose from.
Israel‘s contribution to the inspiring and moving world of film and cinema is vast and steeped in boundless creativity. Akin to the venerable distinct lives that have sprung from the Jewish landscape making their own place under the sun- be it Golda Meir, Shimon Peres, Moshe Dayan, David- Ben Gurion, or Meir Dagan (to quote a few)- the likes of Steven Spielberg, Natalie Portman, Gal Gadot- mirror the soul of Israeli in the charming landscape of filmdo.
Having said that, the Haifa Film Festival, which commands the presence of some of the leading luminaries from around the world of films and entertainment, will this year, reach hundreds of thousands on the digital platforms.

Another case where the unwanted COVID-19 pandemic has gone on to impact a global event of which countless form an incredible part.
But while that’s the disappointing part that it won’t be a person-to-person event, the Haifa Film Festival will nonetheless have plenty for curious eyeballs to be arrested with.
Apart from having several films from international film festivals, there shall also be Israeli documentaries for home viewing. Well, at a time where much of our action has been reduced to home-bound consumption- in all spheres of life- it won’t hurt to dwell on a captivating world where there’s plenty of entertainment catering to divergent sensibilities.
For that is what one precisely comes to expect from pertinent programs of the class of the Haifa Film Festival.
That being said, in a piece of interesting news, The Times of Israel published the following information on the Haifa Film Festival, a one-of-a-kind film extravaganza from the beating heart of the Jewish State:
The annual film event began Saturday night, October 3, and will run through October 10, screening 95 films from Israel and around the world, in addition to the Israeli documentary competition, student film screenings, a pitching session for Israeli feature films, and a TV series conference.
It’s a smaller festival this year, said festival director Yaron Shamir, given that there were fewer Hollywood films to choose for screening, a result of the changes wrought upon the industry by the coronavirus.
“We had to choose from what was available, and the big feature films weren’t out there this year,” said Shamir. “Usually it’s which Hollywood movie is out and which stars are in which movie, especially for the opening film. This year, the decisions were based on what the staff liked, which made for a very quality selection.”
That being said, there’s hope to attract a lot of younger crowd this year, according to sources connected with the said film festival, which will be the key for the youth is the powerful force that can especially drive creative streams like movie-making and acting.
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Some of the keenly expected films yet to be screened include- Aviva (Boaz Yakin), The Big Hit (Emmanuel Corcol), both of which have already wowed audiences at Cannes.