The drivers and their cars, this connection is said to be something like a love affair in the vernacular. Many cherish and care for their vehicle with passion and yet they can make far-reaching mistakes in the process. Like when car lovers follow the modern myths of car care. Let’s learn some home remedies that are really useful for car care.

Vinegar against sticker residues, oven spray against dirty rims, coffee against bad smell – which home remedies really help with car care, and what can cause more damage? There are lots of tips on the Internet that people too often fall for because they believe that it must be correct. After all, it is on the Internet. However, they end up in a further troubling state than before. That is why We bring you the right resources in the right place that are tried and tested and will certainly help.
Does Oven Spray Also Work for Rims?
Some people still believe that oven spray can be used to remove dirt residue from the rim. These contained ingredients that attack the seal on the aluminum. The rim is then adversely exposed to these elements and can begin to oxidize. Some people also apply lighter fluid, which is supposed to burn away residual dirt but it hardly works.
Instead, we would recommend you to use special rim cleaners and soft cloths or sponges. These are available online and are worth every penny for your car.
Acid or Alcohol in Detergents?
The rim cleaners on the market should also not contain any acid because if the exposure time is too long or the rim was not properly hosed down, the acid continues to work and in turn destroys the seal. Therefore, we would advise acid-free products. Speaking of natural cleaners, Scouring milk from the household is a taboo as the paintwork of the vehicle can also be hampered.
Incidentally, alcohol also contains quite a bit of acid and can be aggressive. You shouldn’t use alcohol-based cleaners for plastic and plexiglass, otherwise, the plastic will lose its shine and become matt.
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Coffee Against Bad Smells – Home Remedies for Car Care
The rumor persists that coffee helps against bad smells and there is something to it. The scent of coffee powder actually helps against stink in the car. Of course, you shouldn’t rub it into the upholstery but put it in a tilt-proof container. The cup holder in the center console is well suited for keeping it in the car.

Not only coffee powder but also coffee beans work. However, coffee does not help against the smell of butyric acid, which arises when someone vomits. The only thing that works here is ozone treatment by a professional car repair shop.
Hair Dryer for Removing Chewing Gum Stuck in the Upholstery?
Anyone who has children or who has not paid attention themselves may be familiar with the annoying scenario: The chewing gum sticks bombproof in the upholstery. According to a myth, the dry heat can solve the problem and make it unstuck. But, in reality, this makes the chewing gum even softer and stickier which may make it even more difficult to remove, and residues will remain in the fabric.

Instead of the warmth of the drier, you need to use the power of the cold to remove the gum. If you pack ice cubes from the freezer on it, the chewing gum becomes hard and can be loosened after some time.
Vinegar Against Sticker Residue?
There are already a lot of stickers in the car. Some are advisories while others are just there to boast about the features of the car. The original home remedy as sometimes advised on the internet is to use vinegar to remove the sticker residues. But does household vinegar really help against sticker residue?
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At least with undamaged paint, this procedure is not a problem. But there is no guarantee that it will work. The best way to easily remove the sticker residue is to use a silicone remover, which is available in any hardware shop, but in very small quantities. A couple of rubs and it’s gone like it was never there.