For the first time since the period October 2020, the overall COVID 19 cases in Germany are falling and it might not be incorrect to conjecture, that this is the very opportunity and occasion for the average German to raise a toast to what is clearly a fantastic piece of news.
So, laast uns ein Bier trinken, Deutschland?
Earlier, however, in the month of April, the general concern and scare associated with the ghastly virus had begun to nosedive. As matter of fact, many had regarded the fact that there prevailed a combination of tight restrictions and effective and timely healthcare provision, which led to an overall positivity despite the trying circumstances.
It was around mid-April, April 15, to be price, when the exact number of cases pertaining to COVID 19 hit an incidence mark of 172 per 100,000 inhabitants. And from that point on, the general tensity and worries associated with the dreaded disease have begun to make way for better times, one which the average German is truly experiencing at a time as May departs to welcome June.
Furthermore, why Germany is feeling alive and thriving yet again is down to the fact that the last time the overall COVID cases measured below the incidence rate of 50 was back in Autumn: wherein an incidence of 48.6 COVID 19 cases per 100,000 residents was measured.
Now, times have changed again and it can be said that the strongman of Europe is breathing a welcome sigh of relief.
Generally speaking, the overall Coronavirus situation in Germany isn’t too worrisome, with the last 24 hours reporting as many as only 2,600 cases.
All of that being said, here is what revered news platform The Local, which focuses on developments from around Europe had to report on the matter:
Several districts and cities – including Berlin – are also logging incidence rates below 50 infections per 100,000 people.

When there is a stable Covid rate below 50, more reopening of public life and easing of rules can happen.
Areas across Germany have started reopening facilities such as the outdoor terraces in bars and cafes, pubs and lounges, museums and galleries with restrictions like regular rapid testing.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the RKI has logged a total of 3,656,177 proven infections with Sars-CoV-2. The actual total number, however, is probably much higher, as many infections are not detected.
The number of people who are estimated to have recovered from Covid in Germany is around 3,438,800. The number of people who have died from or with Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic in Germany stands at 87,726.
Also Read: The First German State That’s Now Open For Tourism!
The above told, it wasn’t too long ago where Germany made an exceptional piece of news with its northernmost state- the region of Rhineland-Westphalia (with a population of 1.80 crores) opened its territories for proper tourism.
One of the most touristy spots in all of Germany, replete with idyllic beaches and a plethora of green valleys decided to reopen its cafes and bars along with the sea-side areas for the touring public to camp and revel, just like the pre-COVID times.
With the COVID situation finally seeming to be under control, will the rest of the German states too follow suit, quite like Rhineland-Westphalia and will we see a mushrooming of tourism like the recent pre-COVID days, we shall have to wait and see!