Beer-drinking in Europe, truth be told, isn’t some new-age obsession, it is, in fact, a habit. Part of daily life. A thing you just consider normal given how deeply rooted it is in the everyday existence of people belonging to a continent that’s as stylish as it is enterprising. It’s part of a culture that takes its history and tourism about as seriously as a habitual A-lister in school prioritizes studies and all things on the academic front.
In fact, that said, it may not be incorrect to suggest that beer-drinking in Europe is as intrepidly steeped in the continent’s culture as is the enthusiastic search for skiing by anyone who romanticises snow!

While we know that countries like the United States take their beer seriously too, a drink that’s considered cool and friendly to hang out with, every now and again, where it comes to Europe, then there are several intricacies to the beer-love that suggest one of the most enigmatic continent’s penchant for one of the most widely consumed beverages of all time.
There’s this certain panache and fondness with which beer’s history can be traced to its production all across Europe, the ales, the different lagers belonging to distinct parts of the massive continent; the entirety of the process that can be intoxicating like the drink’s consumption.
All of this leads to a realisation that there’s massive data that rests in the beer-drinking culture of Europe; countries that produce, consume the beverage in the widest form (or density) and all that paraphernalia.
So that told, if if you were asked as to what part of Europe or simply, what nationality, in particular, from all of Europe drinks the most beer all year around then would you know the answer?
Truth is, it may actually surprise you that the country with the highest consumption of beer, on an yearly average, is Czech Republic. The average Czech, you may not have known, actually ends up consuming no less than 141 litres each year, followed by Austria and Germany, with 107 and 102 litres, per year, in that regard.
But distinctly speaking, it’s the Czech lot that stands on top of the podium to borrow a phrase from the Formula 1 paralance.
But outside the top three, who are the other table toppers, if you were asked?
It helps to know that Romania, Croatia, Greece, Italy, and France, fall in that order respectively following the top three names in the list, where it’s believed that on an yearly average, the Romanians consume no fewer than 85 litres of beer with the French- a country known for its penchant for wine and champagne- guzzling 33 litres per capita.
That being said, the next most important aspect of the culture of beer-drinking in Europe brings us to the point that which country produces the maximum quantity of beer, yearly? Perhaps, it’s not all that hard to know this one.
It’s Germany which produces the most quantity of beer of all EU states at present. Of course, you think of Germany and you immediately think of the countless quantities of beer and flavors that have, over the years, gone to become stationary purchases, day in and day out. Right?
On that note, it’s important to note what the media portal Euro news had to say on the matter:
With a production of 8 billion litres (about 23% of the EU total production), Germany is the biggest producer of beer among EU members in 2019, according to Eurostat.
Also Read: Annual Gallup Survey Identifies Germany As The Most Admired Country
In other words, about one in every four beers produced in the EU originated from Germany, which is followed by Poland and Spain (each 3.9 bn litres), the Netherlands (2.5 bn litres), Belgium (2.4 bn litres), France (2.0 bn litres), and the Czech Republic (1.9 bn litres).