Beat The Heat With These 5 Summer Mocktails You Can Easily Make At Home.

The heat in this summer is giving a serious competition to the Dragon Breath. The sun is shining at its peak and with that, we poor humans are drowning in the sea of sweat and exhaustion. Well, these few mocktails…

6 Super Cool Ways To Celebrate New Year’s Eve At Home

The clock is ticking and 2015 is going to end. The New Year is here and to welcome 2016 everyone is making a plan or many. But for some it can be quite a task coz spending a fortune on…

Top 15 Bollywood Party Songs of 2015 For Christmas And New Year

2015 is ending and 2016 is just around the corner but before that you have to goodbye to 2015. We all love to do party in the end of the year to celebrate the fulfilling happiness of passing year and…

15 Pataka Songs For Your Diwali Party Playlist

Diwali is just around the corner and we are sure that you are already preparing for decorations, sweets, clothes etc. But don’t forget that in every party you need a Dj to play the songs and rock the party. No,…