You understand them to be fast-paced movers in life. They are highly attuned to technology and the entire paraphernalia of the tech-enabled world. It’s reasonable to say that they’ve got a mixed reaction or attitude to saving. Living life strictly to their terms is what is dearest to them. They may be constant job-hoppers. It may not be wrong to suggest that aspects like job security and financial independence sufficiently explains the ethos of this lot. But this is also a lot of the youth that wishes to make informed decisions. There’s never any dearth of excitement when it comes to the millennials. Isn’t it?
But it appears that of all the things that the millennials desire so lovingly in life- which include a fine taste of music and entertainment, eating out and experimenting with culinary tastes and habits- it appears, that the liking for beer is being thought about with a fresh perspective.
But let’s not confuse it anymore and get into this straight away.
The millennials, it’s being increasingly found, are keeping off from beer. So why’s that? Why this sudden attitudinal change, after all? So here’s what one may find interesting.

Almost a third of millennials say they’re cutting back on beer (consumption), up from the 21% who said that they were drinking less in 2018, according to a survey conducted by the respected Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
Among the liquor or alcohol is that is being consciously kept away from, beer is being hit the hardest. Around 27% of the millennials, according to the said survey shared that they are keeping away from beer, among the world’s most consumed and much-liked beverages.
Among the top responses sought from several millennials, the one that drew home some food for thought was the following:
“Beer makes me fat!”
37% of the millennials who said that they are drinking less beer said they were ditching the drink because of brews’ calorie counts or because “beer makes me fat. But that’s not all. Here’s another telling perspective.
Around 19% explained the change by saying they preferred another type of alcohol, citing the reason that “beer is no longer trendy.”
Now it could be said that this is a rather surprising trend most particularly because there’s been a rather constant rise in the growth of micro-breweries in different parts of the world, whether one speaks of Europe or North America.
On that note, Business Insider shared some interesting insights based on the said survey:
AB InBev and other beer makers have attempted to win over anti-beer millennials by reframing brews as nutritional options. This could, if done successfully, be a new game-changer of sorts in the market- isn’t it?
Imagine having something massy out there and as enticing as a ‘healthy beer’ option?
Bud Light, for example, centered its Super Bowl campaign on the fact that beer is not made with corn-syrup.
This is where a ground-reality ought to hit marketers specifically. If consumers begin to think of beer as something that’s adverse to good nutrition, then the average consumption would any which way spiral down.
The question, therefore, arises that how can beer be made millennial-friendly again?