The leaves will bear a great new fragrance, nature will unfurl new colours, the wind will be freer of polluted particles; there will be a sassy new awakening of new hopes, new patterns and an exciting new time. Wake up with a new zeal and hope, the autumn is just around here!
The words humidity and city sort of rhyme, don’t they? Where else but in the mainstream, urban and commercial cities can one feel the heat. And the heat not only of work-related stress but the actual one marked by imposing weather.
Interestingly, at a time where the entire country thrives and enjoys with great verve, the sparkling monsoons, dancing to the beats of the rain, there’s just one concern.
No one wishes to sweat and get tired, rather achingly tired. But then, there are certain things that are in our hands. And then, there are certain things that aren’t, however.
But now that the monsoons are finally receding, but not before making us feel the grind of a different kind, that of humidity and an increased moistness, there’s a renewed excitement of preparing for the autumns.
And implicit in the change of the weather conditions, with one season making a place for the other, there arises the ever important need for one to adjust one’s wardrobe.
That told, one of the critical factors with the coming of the autumn season is the wardrobe. Usually, it’s that place in the house that is always a mess. It’s that one place in everyone’s household and home that is often subjected to changes.
In a way, it’s a fun experience to note that as soon as the winters arrive, one begins to unlock the treasure trove of warm, woollen garments. There’s an entire paraphernalia of work in regards to the storing of clothes that comes with each and every season.
Especially in an age where there is an increased focus on what to wear and what not to wear, things automatically get important with the change in the season. No one wishes to leave things for the eleventh hour and no one wishes to remain disorganised.
The more organised we get and remain, the better our chances of being able to make the best possible usage of the time we have on us.
In the wake of the coming autumn season, what are the wonderful and handy tips to set up the autumn wardrobe? In that regard, let’s make a conscious effort to follow these following tips to set up one’s autumn wardrobe?
Let’s find out some valuable steps that will hold us in good stead.
Clean-up your wardrobe

They say change is the only constant. Now, here’s a thing to note. It is actually a good constant.
What can possibly be better than to have a complete remake or makeover of one’s own wardrobe?
Aren’t we all achingly bored and tired of being seen in the same new colours and clothing combinations? The first essential step in order to embrace for the autumns is to take cognizance of your own wardrobe.
That is, actually the first place and the most effective stopping point for stocking what’s apt and applicable for the approaching autumn season. Unless and until you do not create enough space for your wardrobe, you won’t be able to store what’s needed without making space for the things that are now on their way out.
Take note of what you have and what you don’t
No target is ever scaled or reached alone. Without necessary budgeting, one cannot possibly understand as to what one needs and what one doesn’t. To have an excess of something is a clear indication of overutilisation of one’s money as well as space.
To not have the needful is to be avoiding what’s essential.
The most commonly used article during this passage of time is the one piece of long dresses that are worn with a rich aplomb during the changing post-monsoon season.
This is the common style that one uses during this period, immediately after monsoons. So make a list of what one-piece dresses you have if at all, or if you need some. Make a list of skin-friendly, easy-going casual and semi-formal shirts, the kinds of which are worn during the autumn season and then, accordingly go and shop.
There are some among us who like to consciously follow a fashion or trend. Then, there are some who do not like to follow any kind of fashion. But taking cognisance of good trends and fashion styles out there always keeps one ready and handy in terms of deciding what can be purchased and what cannot be.
Every new season brings a wide range of styles. At times, one can concur to simply do a quick research if there are any exciting sale or offers for autumn clothing going out there. And if there is, then, well, not a bad idea to get one’s hands on to something that can come in handy.
Even simplistic patterns such as white shirt and black trousers and other clothing combinations come in exciting new ranges, offers and styles. What if your resistance to trying something new is keeping you away from trying something that will actually look good on you.
An effective idea to shop nicely is to have someone who’s an experienced shopper and someone who can hustle a bit in helping you shop for exciting new autumn clothing ranges.
Assess the lifestyle choices in your wardrobe
No one can lead a straight or one-way life. At least, not today and not when one’s engaged in a professional task at the same time being amid a familial atmosphere. There’s always a professional endeavour that will require us to manage our personal responsibilities accordingly. At the same time, there will be personal endeavours that will require us to manage our lives differently.
Different clothes, therefore different footwear, travel plans, unforeseen itineraries and other requirements- we have got to assess our lifestyle accordingly.
So where the autumn season stands, make time to sort out your wardrobe in a way that you have more of casual and comfy clothes and ensure that the woollens or heavier garments do not occupy the space.
Even as one sweats relatively not so much during autumn when compared to what one does during the peak summers, there’s always some sense to procure more of such garments that give our bodies breathing space. Always plan for the quintessential ‘rainy day’, or the unexpected travel opportunity or requirement. There are, after all, always those dates where one cannot actually plan each and everything in accordance to a chalked out plan.
It’s important therefore to balance between what’s in excess and what isn’t. One of the best tips to set up your autumn wardrobe is to make way for the unexpected or unforeseen.
Opt for quality over quantity

It would obviously make more sense to have some of those clothes that you feel you can wear repeatedly at times, instead of merely shopping compulsively for those that one feels one may not even wear once.
A thing to note from a general perspective is that we often shop compulsively and out of sheer impulse.
Some great tips to set up your autumn wardrobe is to be sure of what your own style is and what it truly needs.
It doesn’t make sense to spend useful or precious bucks in that needless way. At the same time, it’s important to stick to a nice variation between good colours- given the changing vagaries of texture, colours, fabrics and material- without going particularly overboard.