Meet this 86-year-old who loves to dress up, Ali is a tailor in Berlin and is always very peculiar with his style and clothes. One fine day, back in 2012, Ali caught the eye of Zoe Spawton, a photographer, while walking past her workplace. Zoe felt that he was an extremely well-dressed gentleman, who is very polite with everyone around him. There’s a language barrier between the two, as Zoe is not very fluent in German and Ali speaks very little English, however, she asked if she could photograph Ali and he readily accepted her offer.
After that brief moment both created a bond with each other, and she has been clicking his pictures for 3 years, till 2015. Ali was originally from Turkey and moved to Germany, more than four decades ago. While he now works as a tailor, due to his sheer love for clothes, he was once a doctor.
Zoe started uploading Ali’s Outfit Of The Day, on her Tumblr blog which has been aptly named as “What Ali Wore”.









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24 November 2016
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