Being single sucks. Especially when it’s Valentine’s as the whole world seems to be in love and with someone special while you keep drowning in your misery. All those posts on social media, decorations on the shops and couples in your circle make this day completely unbearable and all you want is to run to a deserted area where no such phenomena exist.
Well, we understand and believe us we really do. But what you won’t believe is that being single is not a curse it’s actually a blessing in disguise. Before you start mocking us for writing the last line, let’s just say that it is not something we made up. Actually, there are some scientific reasons that prove that your singlism (yes we made that up) is the best thing that can happen to you and after reading these reasons you will thank your heavens for keeping you a sole soldier of your life till now.
1. You Actually Do Better At Work

You must have heard or read the famous sher of Ghalib ” ishq ne ‘ġhālib’ nikammā kar diyā , varna ham bhī aadmī the kaam ke”. If you believe some scientific research the statement actually stands correct. When people fall in love they stay distracted which hampers their performance at work. Single people, however, tend to perform much better.
2. You Make Your Own Choices.
Do we need to explain this? You are the sole owner of your life. You wouldn’t have to consider anyone else’s choices before making any decision. It will be all about my life my rules.
3. You Become Extremely Independent.

Every high and low that life throws at you will be resolved only by you. Not having someone to share it with will make you independent and strong. You will actually be a person who can phase any situation and come out as a winner.
4. Sleeping At Night Will Be Peaceful.

No late night phone calls or discussions or fights or stress. All you will get is me time. So if you are not a Netflix addict, you will sleep better than all those people who are in a relationship.
5. You Will Be Financially More Stable.
That’s no secret that in a relationship, your expenses increase. So as a single rocking person, you will have more money and the best part is that you can actually treat yourself or travel solo without even stressing over your bank account.
Do you need more reasons? Being single rocks. Period.
Avni S. Singh