Stretch marks, which are also called Striae, appears when there is a sudden weight gain or loss in the body. The sudden change in skin shape causes stretch marks; they are not an indication of bad health; but still no one wishes to have them on their body. Hence arises the most common question every one needs an answer to, “How to remove stretch marks?“
Stretch marks can not be permanently or completely removed, but the intensity of these marks can certainly be minimized. And, this is exactly what we will cover in this article. However, there is a misconception that only women get stretch marks due to the pregnancy, but again that isn’t true at all.

Stretch marks can happen to both men and women, though puberty and pregnancy are the most common conditions to contributing to it. They may fade away on their own too after a long period of time, but you can take the help of some remedies that can help you loose them quickly. Here are the causes of stretch marks and how to remove stretch marks naturally :
Causes of Stretch Marks:
1. Sudden weight gain, which can affects both men/women mostly during puberty.
2. Pregnancy leads to skin expansion near abdominal area and hormonal changes.
3. Bodybuilding sometimes cause stretch marks on some body parts and consuming high amounts of steroids also lead to it.
4. Some genetic disorders could also lead to stretch marks.
How To Remove Stretch Marks:
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has excellent properties that help in regenerating skin.

How to remove stretch marks using Aloe Vera:
Take fresh aloe vera extract and rub it on the stretch marks and leave it for about half an hour and wash it with tepid water. Repeat this every day to see wonderful results.
2. Cocoa Butter
Cocoa Butter helps a lot in reducing stretch marks especially during pregnancy and it is frequently used a lot.
How to remove stretch marks with cocoa butter:
You should do this at night. Take a good amount of cocoa butter and massage it well on the stretch marks and leave it overnight. It hydrates the skin and helps to fade the marks.
3. Lemon and Cucumber Juice
The acidity of the lime juice helps remove scars, and cucumber leaves a cool soothing effect on the marks.

How to remove stretch marks with lemon and cucumber juice:
You need to mix lemon and cucumber juice in equal parts and apply it on the affected skin; then leave it for about 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. Repeat this every alternate day and you’ll see good results.
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4. Coconut and Almond Oil
The brilliant properties of coconut are well known and it can do wonders for you as well.

How to remove stretch marks with coconut and almond oil:
Mix coconut oil with almond oil in equal quantities and apply the mix over the affected areas of the skin for a while and finally wash it with warm water. Being totally natural, it has zero side effects and works effectively. Do this daily for a month and you’ll start seeing great results.
5. Oil and Apricot Masks
The exfoliating property of apricots helps to heal out stretch marks very quickly.
How to remove stretch marks with oil and apricot masks:
Cut and remove the seeds of 3-4 apricots. Make a paste by crushing the fruit and apply the mask of this paste on the stretch marks and leave it out for about 15-20 minutes. Use warm water to wash it off and repeat this daily for a month to see amazing results.
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These are few of the easy ways that can help you reduce/remove stretch marks; but the best solution for this is prevention. With the help of a good diet and healthy exercises, stretch marks can easily be avoided.