Our body is a whopping 70% water and therefore needs a lot of fluids. You should drink a lot during exertion, such as physical activity, or when it is warm. But sometimes you just forget that. These are the most common signs & symptoms of dehydration in the body that you haven’t been drinking enough water.

Thirst is an Alarm Signal
The clearest warning sign of dehydration is thirst. In this way, the body signals that it urgently needs replenishment of water. Basically, you shouldn’t wait until you feel thirsty but drink again and again throughout the day so that the body is adequately supplied and remains productive. Water, unsweetened teas, but also juices and spritzers are good sources of liquid.
In older people, thirst is often not a warning sign. Because the feeling of thirst decreases with age, and many drink too little. It is therefore particularly important in old age to remember to drink regularly.
Headache as a Result – Symptoms of Dehydration
If we don’t drink enough, the body sends us unmistakable signals in addition to the feeling of thirst. If you suddenly have a headache, you shouldn’t take painkillers straight away, but slowly drink a large glass of water. In many cases, the headache will get better afterwards because if we drink too little water, our blood thickens and can no longer transport enough oxygen to the brain.
It is best to prevent the headache by maintaining the amount of water in the body and not only drink when your head is already throbbing.
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Concentration Wanes
Around three-quarters of our brain is made up of water. So it is not surprising that we can no longer concentrate properly when we have not drunk enough. We get nervous, our attention wanes and we feel tired as the common side effects of thirst. Many complain of dizziness as well. Regular drinking, a handful of nuts, a banana, or a piece of glucose help us out of the low quickly.
Dark Urine from Lack of Fluids – Symptoms of Dehydration
We can also see a lack of fluids in the urine. If the urine is dark in color rather than light yellow, there is no illness behind it. Sometimes, even those who take in too little liquid can observe the discoloration in themselves. The urine is then not diluted, but rather concentrated and we can tell by its dark color.
You should go to the doctor if the urine remains dark in color despite sufficient fluid intake. Otherwise, just drink enough water as it is a clear warning sign of a shortage of water in the body.
Skin and Lips Dry Out – Symptoms of Dehydration
The dry atmosphere, heated air, or the wrong care products are not always to blame for dry, itchy, and flaky skin. If our body has too little water, our skin will also feel it. Because the body first supplies the organs that need the fluid much more urgently. Chapped lips can also develop as a sign of water shortage. The same solution applies here, Drink enough and, if necessary, care for the skin with a moisturizing lotion.

Unpleasant Constipation Threatens
But not only our skin is affected. Lack of fluids also has a negative impact on our digestion. The volume of the stool decreases and the stool becomes hard. This makes it difficult to eliminate. Fluid and fiber get the bowels going again. The liquid swells up the fiber, the stool becomes looser and softer, and bowel movements are also stimulated.
The doctors recommend that adults drink around 1.5 liters a day, ideally with every meal and also in between which protects the body from dehydration. Under certain conditions, such as very hot climates, humid air, extreme cold, or illnesses with fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, we need more fluids. Likewise, with physically strenuous work or sport, an additional 0.5 to 1 liter of water per hour may be necessary. If more fluid is consumed than the organism’s needs, it is excreted through the kidneys. Still, it is advisable to watch out for feeling thirsty.
Men Need to Drink More
Men need more fluids than women because they sweat more. Eating habits also play a role in the correct amount of drinking. If you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, you also consume fluids. However, most of the time, we don’t notice these signs until our body starts showing the signs for the lack of fluids.
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What to do if You are Dehydrated
Affected people showing symptoms of dehydration should drink in small sips. Drinks that contain electrolytes are best because most of the time the body lacks salts when there is a lack of fluids. Those who are severely dehydrated may need an IV.